hi all!!
Nice to hear from all you swaggers. Fiona i think ozzy paul is jealous of your wedding spreadsheet, its not too late to give him some pointers!! Colin wilson a dad!! that is great news! Does that mean double the amount of drumming? Sounds like there is something in the water - needless to say i'llbestaying well clear of your water supplies!! Nice to hear from sarah and ewan too.
Will, when are you and isla coming over? I am staying on paul's living room floor. I feel quite bad as he has a million relatives staying there also. Are you guys staying in a hostel?? It will be weird that you are leaving the dungeon eh!! When do you finish up?
I also have to say a big shout out to all my relatives who are ill in hospital. Grandpa cossar, aunt jan and gran smith I hope you all get better soon.
We have had major thunder storms over here today. The weather has been pants for the past week and it looks like my last weekend in sydney will have crap weather also. I'm still at the call centre, working away. I spoke to a man called Fuk yu Dan today (seriously). Needless to say he wasn't the happiest of chappies! I also had a man talking to me about scottish clans for about 20 minutes - he seemed to know alot more about it than i did!!
I think we are going out tomorrow to this party with free drinks (FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE). It will be good to get out of the room. I'lllet you know how it goes!
speak to you all soon
count down to new zealand - 5 days!!!
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