Hi all!! (corpse foot picture for you ruffy - i know how much you must be missing them)
Well, i have some exciting news.............(no i'm not pregnant mum) I have a new job!! I started this morning and i have to say i am sooooooooooooooo happy!! All i have to do is phone up people and arrange to deliver their modems - so easy and people are actually nice to you on the phone! I am working next to three irish girls in a wee room. Nobody bothers us at all, its sooo chilled out! Bye bye life insurance hell - no more nightmares!
I kind of got told off in the supermarket this evening - what a beamer! I was picking an avacado (something which shouldn't be done haphazardly) and this shop assistant came over and asked me if i realised that i had been touching the avacados for over 6 minutes!! I know i do tend do drift into my own little world when shopping, especially in the avacado isle, but this was mortifying!! I think he meant it as a joke as he was chuckling away but it gave me such a shock that i just scurried off red-faced!! maybe i should seek help for my avacado addiction.
Australia day was quite good. me and the girls went down to hyde park and had some drinks, then the rocks to watch some bands (not nearly as exciting as t in the park) and then watched the fireworks at darling harbour. We discovered the pub across the road so went for a few well-deserved pints. this guy was blah blah blahing that he was a well-known dj in glasgow and chatted about himself for over an hour so me and the girls made a hasty exit!
hope you all had a good weekend and managed to make some mischief!!
laura waura
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