hi all,
i have survived my first week selling life insurance - woo woo! I wouldn't say i was a sales shark but I at least made 1 sale today so i wont get fired straight away. Nearly made a second but the man got declined for being too fat. i had to tell him why he had been declined, the poor guy is probably miserable now. Had some funny named people today which made me chuckle - pooey wasn't available and neither was pee (childish i know).
I've just had my third half avacado of the day and im off to bed! Australia day tomorrow wooooooooooooowwoooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Special mention to ruffy (ruff ruff), scott (groomer)and michael (grumpy bear) who have now returned to sunny glasgow from fiji - Havelock street, melbourne seems like a distant memory !!!
sleepy but happy smithers
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