Today in Home and Away..................
Smithers is shocked to find out that Alf Stewart doesn't really hang out at the surf club!!!
Hi folks,
Today Cas and i went to Palm beach (summer bay). It took 2 hours by bus but was well worth it . the beach was beautiful and quiet. We walked around the surf club and the beach - and managed to fit in some home and away stylee acting (see pic above). Didn't see any scenes or anything (gutted). On the way home i found this flying ant-beast thing had been biting my back and arm (8 bites) youchy!
i also managed to fit in a trip to manly yesterday - another nice beach but fool of meaty chunks who don't have a brain. Last night, I said goodbye to gem, katie, jen and james last night - they all left today. We had a wee BBQ and a few drinks at there apartment in the Olympic village.
Got some more agency interviews tomorrow - woo woo! I hate it soooooooo much but I need to save money for new zealand and money to live on just now!
So will, emma, and helen are leaving - where are they all away to sarah?? has your flexiness scared them away(hee hee)!
speak soonio
scampy smithers - actress in Home and Away
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