Hi all!
It's blooming freezing this morning! I think I'm going to have to buy some suitable clothes, beachwear just won't do! I'm going to walk into town and have a look about. I'll need to put on my 'cheesy shopkeeper guard' to block my delicate ears from all the over-nice chat. I'm pretty sure if i get too close to them they might even hug me - and you know what i think of hugs! Caryn I haven't really been drinking that much so i haven't tried out any of the hotspots, however, I like the sound of the 90's night!!
I have just sat and laughed my head off and the message board. Yes, Will Myles can put the food away can't he?But he does bring cake in which is good. Watch out for the dreaded cakes of rice though (Ms. Armour and amanda have also been partial).
I'm sad to hear about the bush outside - i might start an international campaign to put a stop to this madness. Is john F getting the clippers out or is he hiring professional help? You know, if you cut the bush down you will probably have to drink more water or something just as punishing - check suzannes water challenge chart, i'm sure it will say something like 'if you allow yourself a normal amount of light, drink 10 more litres of water a day' or 'if you cut down an innocent bush, drink 50 more litres of water a day, do not pass go and do not collect 200 pounds'.
Poor colin K (loser) - so you have punted over to the worst and darkest spot in the room, better get eating those toxic noodles, they will probably help you see better in the dark! Maybe that's your punishment for slagging off my spaniel ears - you should see them now, i'm more of a red setter in consistency.
Nice to hear colin wilson is back in the thick of swag life. Did he bring is drum?
I think someone needs to be in charge of balancing the flexi chart. Sarah obviously needs support in the deepest darkest depths of flexi or maybe i should be saying that about MR McKenzie - has no one ever told you life's too short to be straight? I think it should be written in to your objectives at your appraisal 'i must leave belongings at work at least once a week' or 'I must go for one days flexi training with Sarah every week', that should do it!
Hi to all the rest of the dungeon posse.
Sorry about all the swagness in this update, i couldn't contain myself!
keep in touch and I (and the whole of australia) say...........................................
smithers over and out
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