Hi all,
Hope you are all well. Congratulations suz, nice to hear your exciting news, if the baby comes a day early it will have the same birthday as me!! Maybe you should call it smithers?! Mind you, it is likely to have the same 'straight' traits as you so maybe you should call it after armour or ingram!!
I haven't been up to much the past few days. thursday night went out for a bit, Friday sat in the park, yesterday afternoon I had a bit of a mishap on my bunk bed stairs - missed a step and clonked my face against the side of the computer desk so i have a nice cut nose! It was going to happen at some point as i'd had loads of near misses!
Thanks so much for the money dad, i really appreciate it. Start my new job tomorrow - can't wait!! Today we are going to go for a walk between coogee and bondi just for something to do. Mind you, its supposed to be in the 40's today - yikes!
speak to you all later,
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