OMG, what a night! Poor Matty woke up just after midnight with gastro and vomited all over the double bed, narrowly missing Jonny who was still fast asleep. It took a while to clean everything up and as the laundry wasn't locked Nick and I sat up with a hot chocolate while all the bedding was in the wash. We hung it out over night and eventually got back to bed but the poor little fellow was up every two hours so no one slept very well. We had a very quiet morning around the caravan as Matty tried to catch up on sleep and the other three kids were happy playing in the water park and on the jumping pillow. By lunchtime Matty felt a little better so we hired some go-carts and the kids spent a couple of hours cycling around the park. In the afternoon we drove into Yamba town and had a quick look around before heading to Coles and buying dinner. We decided on a feast as they have a great camp kitchen with a massive oven. The kids all wanted pie and mash followed by apple pie - even Matty ate a bit! It took a while to clean up afterwards so everyone was allowed to stay up a little later. Sitting outside in the dark we spotted bandicoots running around so went out with torches to get a better look but they were very shy. Once in bed the smaller ones passed out straight away and Nick wasn't too far behind them. Katharine and I sat up together and watched a bit of TV but unfortunately by the time I went to bed the gastro had moved on to me!!
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