2 days to go... Wow! Woo! Wait... What?! Is it really coming to an end? No more mosquito bites? No more hunk-a-Junk crowded buses? No more rushing and traveling over an hour for just a 1-hour class only to have the student cancel? What am I doing my last few days? Well, besides working and trying to see my friends "one more time," Ricardo has a birthday this weekend! We changed plans like 5 times but in the end, we went to that all-you-can-eat pizza place that he loves and today his dad cooked a big lunch.
You all already know how packing is going... I'm getting there and I have Ricardo to help me (notice how I always surround myself with organized people?). Other than that, Im just trying not to worry about the unknown future. There are a lot of things up in the air; place to live, job, money, etc. I know it will all work out but it's still stressful. And of course all of the plane rides I have, 4 days in one week that I have flights. I'll be glad when it's all over and I see my mom in the San Diego airport.
So where am I off to now? Let me tell you, I have quite the itinerary (which highly resembles my crazy country-hopping I did just a few months ago)! First I'm going to Brasilia, Brazil's capital to visit my Great Uncle Al's girlstown that he created for poor and orphan girls to live and study. I only have one day there to visit, meet and see the place then I go to Sao Paulo. In Sao Paulo I have 2 days to visit other sisters that do work for Uncle Al. And hopefully I can see the city a little bit. THEN, the last leg of this huge Latin American trip: Mexico City. I have a layover there and I decided I have to stay just a few days. I can't pass up this opportunity. I love Mexico already and this is the heart of it, the point with the strongest culture and best food. And at last, one week after departing Rio I will arrive in San Diego, the day before Thanksgiving. Just in time to drop off my bags before I stuff myself with turkey and stuffing!
- comments
Dad Be safe and enjoy every last minute of your trip. Vamos :)
Danielle Soooo, what's the word from the rest of Brazil? I read your facebook status that it is changing your perspective of Brazil, but give us some details woman!