I think this one will be brief, but I rarely talk about Ricardo and our relationship (since we´re still in that butterfly-fluttering, rose-colored glasses, honeymoon phase it would be "make-me-barf" cheesy and gushy). BUT in any case, we´re having a great time exploring, exercising, planning things for California and Colorado, of course learning, sharing (learning to share) and getting to know each other better. And more than anything... having fun and laughing. So I thought I would share a little.
First of all, as I´ve briefly mentioned in other blogs, Ricardo is a good influence on me. Besides being patient with me when I have my frustrated meltdowns, almost always in a good mood and happy to help anyone who needs it, he simotaneously is showing me how I´d like to be. I see him hold back from reacting angrily (even when he´s actually really irritated with something) and I see him bite his tongue and answer nicely when his mom calls every 10 minutes. Sometimes the computer refuses to work, our friends bail the last minute or it rains when we planned to play tennis. And he doesnt let it affect him, which in turn means it doesnt affect me. So many times, he could get defensive or fed up but he only makes things better. Ironically, sometimes HE´S what irritated me in the first place then he ends up being the person who makes me feel better and laugh. Lately, I feel like Im getting more patient (little by little... by little. Baby steps.) because after seeing how mature and in control he is, Im almost embarrassed to lose my cool over stupid things.
On a not-so Im-so-in-love and he-makes-me-a-better-person-bla bla note, there is one little issue. Although we have so much in common and almost never get sick of each other (not yet anyway), there is one personality difference between us. Organization. He likes everything put in its place, and more than that, he likes it NEATLY put in its place. Folded, stacked, pressed smooth, snapped shut... and if something ISNT in its place it only takes him about 5 seconds to move it. The problem (aka my problem) lies in that I never know WHERE he thinks something belongs. I know most of you are probably laughing right now, because you like to think Im... "messy". Well you´re wrong! It looks like a pile and my clothes are loosely shoved into the drawers, but I know where everything is! Honestly, sometimes I put my bag down and go get a drink of water. When I return, it´s gone. So then I put my iPod down on the table while I go get my bag (to bring BACK to the table) but when I return then IT´S gone, and the cycle continues. Im sure most of you are on Ricardo´s side here but Im indifferent. Clearly, one of us needs to change. Either I get better organized (and learn his map of where everything belongs) or he leaves my s*** alone. One good thing is that sharing things and space has been a piece of cake. I dont know why couples complain about how everything changes when they move in together... we STARTED dating already living together and I think it´s fine.
And now here we are, approximately one month before we (both) go to the good ol´ USA. We arrive only 2 days apart, both in San Diego and I cant wait to show him around. Even though December wont be the best beach weather, San Diego is always amazing. I already have my list (Balboa Park, bike riding, Old Town, salsa dancing...) of things to do. Then we´ll drive to Arizona where he can meet my crazy grandma, parents and siblings before he flies to Colorado to start work. Me, on the other hand, I really want to have time in December to be home, see everyone and celebrate birthdays and holidays before I figure out going to Colorado to work for a few months. Ricardo finishes in March (he can stay longer in Colorado if he wants, but he doesnt have to) so we´ll see how it all goes and what we want to do next year. But Im SO happy that we wont have to have a long distance relationship (I wouldnt consider it actually) and he will be able to see my home and meet my family. Then, HE can show me his life in Colorado and how to survive in the snow. Good things to come, that´s for sure.
Now just a few more weeks to enjoy (or bite my tongue and pretend to enjoy). And at least I´ll leave this continent behind a little more mature, experienced, patient... and certainly happy (with my cute Brazilian souvenir haha) !!!
(Wow... I guess I was wrong about the "brief" thing)
- comments
Jen If Humberto can survive snow (and actually LIKE it), I'm sure you can too :) And about him being super duper organized....I admire that, haha. I try to me, but sometimes there's just no time/energy. So I see where your frustration comes in! But I"m sure you two will figure something out :) I can't wait till you come home so I can like freaking text you on a daily basis! haha
Dad Sounds like Ricardo is wise beyond his years. I always love an old soul. Hang in there babe, everyone can learn if they want to :)) Hell, you may even learn to not leave your s*** all over the place. Karen and I can't wait to see you and to meet Ricardo. I hope he can teach you to enjoy wherever you are since that's the only place that you are at for the moment. You only have a short time left in Brazil so enjoy every bit of it. Before you know it you will be snowed in :)) I have to laugh at the thought of it. Love you - Dad and Karen