Own your Passion and Embrace its Power
If any of you have known me for more than 5 minutes, there are a few things you definitely know about me: I talk too fast and too loud, I'm a step past impatient, and I worry a lot (I'm sure I didn't get that from my mother). I'm well aware that I can't spend too much time worrying, especially about the future or something I can't control but... That's easier said than done. With so many changes and just as many unknowns around the corner, it's difficult not to think,"What the heck am I gonna do?!"
What I'm anxious/worried about:
- Money: I've actually made pretty good money here teaching, certainly average standard at home if not a little more. But of course, the problem has lied in the fact that there are always random holidays or unexpected cancelations and suddenly, I'm making barely enough. But it's okay. I'm more worried about when I go home, need to start paying things like rent and car, food and gas, and I'm not going to work in December (and I can't forget all my "Im back" celebrations). I know it will work out, but not knowing where I'll work or how much I'll be making makes it hard to relax until I know it's settled.
- Finding a place to live in Colorado: lately Ricardo and I have been looking for places to live while we're in Colorado (of course I can only go if I have a place to live and a job) and it's looking pretty difficult. Ricardo already had something set up with a friend he made there last year, but let's just say I'm cramping his style because 1- people don't seem to want couples and more than that- no dogs. I've already left Rafa for long enough, I don't want to leave him with someone else any longer. Also, everyone wants a year lease and trust me, I'm NOT staying there for more than a few months, max. Even if I love it and want to move later, I'm not ready to pack up for good. This is temporary and I can't wait to be settled in San Diego again. Ricardo has a whole month there before I would arrive, so hopefully once he's actually there and talk to people, he'll be able to figure something out. He says jobs are easy to find during the touristy season so hopefully I can work at Starbucks or the Chocolate Factory mmm!
- Freezing my ass off in the snow: if any of you recall, it was only a few months ago that I was freezing to the point if pain in Chile and Uruguay, and there wasn't even snow! May I remind you all, I grew up in Phoenix where the lowest low is like 75 (exaggeration but you all know that it's HOT and never cold enough to need more than a pair of jeans). I'm not prepared for this, honestly I don't have heavy jackets or boots... Ricardo swears it's not that cold because there's sun but I've seen his pictures. He is pretty damn bundled up and still looks pale in the face. *sigh* yes I know, it's a new experience, I'll learn to snowboard an perhaps I've been deprived of real seasons for 23 years... But I'm not making any promises of surviving the snow.
- Getting settled back in San Diego: after the Colorado Ice Age (hopefully ending approximately in March when Ricardos contract is done), I would prefer to go back to San Diego, find a "real" job (for grown-ups) and stay for a little bit. BUT, it's a little complicated. With Izzy renting the apartment until May and having Rafa, I'm not exactly sure where I'd live for those last 2 months. I feel like it's not worth the stress and money of finding a new place and paying rent and moving for such a short time. On top of it, I have a few houses I could stay at in Arizona (and a personal chef if I stay at Grandmas!). The issue there would be work. Where could I work for only 2 months? And I don't want to spend anything saved just to hang out in Arizona. Maybe I can ask for a motor-home for Christmas and then just wander and bounce around... Hmm. Or start up a KP Fund. OR better idea: I could start charging you all for reading this blog (I believe I have a few addicts out there)!!
So I guess my worries are pretty standard: basic needs like shelter and money for food... A job to sustain myself. That's reasonable right?
- comments
Danielle So here is my response: Money is something 99% of us worry about, it will almost never be a "non-issue"; Finding a place to live may be difficult but there ARE places that accept Month-to-Month renters, they might be slightly more expensive, but I'm positive you'll find something so you can take your Rafa with you; You will freeze half to death in the snow, of that I am sure, and in the end you will probably hate it as much as I do, BUT there will always be those moments in life when you'll say, "wow it really was beautiful when I'd wake up in the morning and everything was covered in a blanket of white"; San Diegoooo! I miss it :-( especially as its getting so blinkin' cold out here :-) Aaaaand, that's all I have to say about that! :-)