Today we were up earlier than most mornings and we decided to take a quick train ride to Tokyo station to see what was going on around there. Unfortunately there wasn't much going on, so we headed back to Akihabara and did some shopping.
There are a lot of gaming related stores at Akihabara and there was one in particular called Super Potato that sells lots of old game memorabilia which Shannon loved. Of course he picked up a few things including a Super Mario pocket watch, pretty cool.
We had to be back at the hostel by 1pm because we were going to the sumo with a group organised by the hostel. We got given lunch as well which was a dish called chanko which is a soup with mushrooms, pork meat balls and cabbage. Apparently sumo wrestlers eat it to prepare for matches. I quite enjoyed it, even going back for seconds. There was also a bowl of edamame beans to munch on which were also delicious.
At about 2:30pm the tour guide walked us all over to the sumo stadium and in we went. We had unreserved tickets so we had our choice of seat. We had a great view of the wrestlers and we settled in to watch the matches for the rest of the afternoon. One cool one was this fairly thin, just really muscly, white guy who was up against a pretty fat Japanese guy. He looked like the underdog but he was really fast and nimble so ended up winning. Everyone cheered pretty loudly for him. At the end of the final match, which went for less than a minute, heaps of people in the crowd who were sitting on cushions on the level below us threw up their cushions in either anger or celebration. It was funny because heaps of people got smacked in the heads with flying cushions.
After that finished we made our way back to the hostel with the group and made some friends along the way. We ended up having a few drinks with them at the hostel and then going out for dinner at this place near the hostel called Samuari Cafe. OMG, best and probably the cheapest pizza I've ever eaten. The most delicious one was this teriyaki pizza which surprisingly had a sprinkling of seaweed shavings in the middle. It. Was. So. Good. I would live off this stuff!
It started to get a bit late so we made a dash for the last train (leaves at around 12pm) and went to Roppongi which is a night club district. It was already 1pm by the time we got there and we had a bit of trouble finding a place to go into. A couple we walked into said we couldn't stay because they were for Japanese people only.
Eventually we stumbled across an American bar and we were allowed in! Success! We stayed there for a few hours and got to know each other a bit more. There were 8 of us in total, 5 of us were Australian, there was one American guy, a Spanish girl and a Norwegian guy. Nice people.
After paying the bill we went in search of a dance club. After a bit of trial and error we found one called Gaspanic. They played some pretty good music there so we stayed and danced until 5am when the trains started up again.
We had a slight bit of drama on the train ride home. Shannon got a bit spewy but luckily he made it to a station and didn't puke on the train.
It was funny when we were on the trains as everyone was either going to work or school and then here we were, drunk as and on the way home. Haha whoops. I saw a few of the Japanese looking at us in disgust.
By the time we got back to the hostel, showered and sorted ourselves out it was almost 7am in the morning! Such a long day! It was a fun night and I'm surprised I survived it. When we first arrived in Roppongi I was ready to call it quits and take a taxi home. But in the end, I made it.
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