Today it snowed heavily! It was pretty cool. At first when we woke up it was a bit rainy and we were thinking "well guess it's going to be a bit wet." Whilst we were eating breakfast at the hostel we were peeping out the window and the rain slowly turned to snow.
We ventured out and by the time we caught the train to Akihabara it was full blown snowing. We bought an umbrella each and then wandered in and out of shops and gaming arcades whilst the snow continued to get heavier.
It was very cool just walking around in the falling snow but it was a bit annoying going in and out of shops because you had to slip your umbrella into a plastic bag to keep it from dripping throughout the shop.
We tried to catch a train from Akihabara to a place called Nakano which apparently had a huge manga store/musuem but, because of the snow heaps of the trains were either cancelled or delayed. We hopped on one train and after waiting for ages to leave Akihabara station we ending up travelling one stop only to be delayed again. We decided to jump off at that stop and walk back to Akihabara through the snow. It was an interesting walk! It didn't actually take that long but we were extremely cold once we arrived and our feet in particular were freezing!
For lunch we went into a huge electronics store and on the 8th floor they had a bunch of restaurants. We had a really tasty set lunch each and then spiraled down the escalators checking out the goods as we went. It was awesome to waste the afternoon away in such a big shop, not to mention warm!
On the gaming level I was getting all ready to buy a 3DS only to discover at the counter that they only play Japanese games. Boo! So that was disappointing.
We went back to the hostel afterwards and watched a movie while the snow continued outside. By the time the movie had finished the snow had stopped falling so we layered back up and went out to find some noms.
The snow was crunchy and deep and also a bit slippery so we made our way carefully around Asakusa. The big temple nearby looked cool covered in snow and I made a snow cat on one of the bridge railings which I thought was very cute.
It was fun to walk around in the snow! Although we were a bit limited on things to do and places to go because a lot of the train lines were closed. Still, we had a good day checking out Akihabara.
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