Today we finally made it to Nagashima Spa Land. We didn't quite wake up as early as we would've hoped and it was 9am by the time we got out the door. Today was a much sunnier day than yesterday though so it seemed like a good day for it. Only thing was that I was worried that being such nice weather and a Saturday that the park would be crowded. It's located 40mins by bus outside of Nagoya so once you get there you have to commit.
Despite my fears we made our way to Nagoya Station and from there found they bus terminal. It was pretty straight forward to get tickets and when we went up to the gate we were right on time for the bus to leave. Sugoi!
The bus journey was enjoyable and not very long and after 35mins we were at the park. As we walked through the adjoining shopping area (naturally there was a shopping area because this is Japan) we thought it seemed fairly empty of people which was a good sign. When we finally found the entry gate for the park, again there was no line and no people. Seemed like we were in luck! We paid our monies to get in and we were away. We bought open passes so that we could go on every ride.
We spent the day going on roller coasters and other thrill seeking rides. The park has 10 roller coasters and I think we went on around 7 which is pretty good! The best ones were the Acrobat, Steel Dragon 2000 and White Cyclone. We went on Steel Dragon and White Cyclone twice each and the longest we had to wait was 30mins which was awesome. The White Cyclone is an older timber roller coaster and it's quite ricketey and after our second ride my watch actually broke (the minute hand came loose and was floating about in the watch face). We had some s***ty burgers for lunch but made up for it by riding almost every ride in the park. I also got a photo with Peter Rabbit as he is kind of the park's mascot so that was cute.
We left at around 5pm and caught the bus back to Nagoya Station feeling very exhausted. The bus ride back took almost 2hours due to traffic so that was a bit annoying.
When we got back to Nagoya Station we walked around the shops there for a bit and attempted to go up the top of Midland Square but didn't feel like paying to get onto the observatory. Instead we took the train back home, had a delicious meal of Co Co Ichi and headed to the hostel for bed.
We leave Nagoya tomorrow for Kobe. But we have a few plans to see some more things in Nagoya first before we leave such as a temple and the zoo.
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