Kari goes to Lincoln, England
I woke up at 11am after all the drama from the night before and had a lot to do. I had to start and finish my proposal for my digital media project and I wasn?t even quite sure what I was going to do. I finished that up and got ready. I had to walk to the library to print and then had to backtrack to the MHAC bldg to hand it in. I only had a half an hour before I met my group for the radio in schools thing. I walked to the train station quick and got information about schedules and such. I got back just in time, 5 minutes before Laura was picking me up. I had just enough time to run upstairs quick, but as it turned out she hit a few bad lights and then got stuck by a train so she was 20 minutes late. We got to Jennie?s house and had to leave right away to get to the school early. The three other people in the group are Laura, Jennie and Chris. I am sure that I will take pictures of them at some point. We got to the Lincoln Minster school and had about 20 minutes before the kids came in from outside. So we set up the tables and got ready. Laura and Jennie went to get the kids. Chris was our main spokesperson and was really good with the kids. We started out with name badges. We were supposed to write our name and draw things on it that we like or tell something about us. I drew an American flag. The kids are really energetic and seem really smart. I have to add that these children come from pretty wealthy families and have had many opportunities and such. It?s a private school that is pretty expensive or at least that is my impression. I said I was from America and Henry had been to Florida and started listing off all of these places and I hadn?t been to any of them. I was like do u have any idea how big America is? Just because I am from there, doesn?t mean I have been everywhere!! The kids had lots of ideas. We listened to a few examples of kids programs that were created by other people and the kids liked those. Chris was trying to explain mixing to this little girl and she thought it was the cooking mixing and somehow Chris was talking about making a cake and putting stuff in but using radio terms and such and then Henrys all like yeah and if you put too much sugar in it, you can just move the fader and take some out. This blew me away. He picked up on Chris? analogy and added to it. Henry has worked with mixing stuff before. Like I said these kids come from wealthy families. There are a few kids who stick out in the group and will be good leaders. Next we broke up into groups and the kids had to practice interviewing each other and asking open-ended questions in case they decide to do an interview in their radio program. The three boys that I was with were Henry, Oliver and Jack. They are very smart especially Oliver ? they were so excited they got off track and started asking me questions about what they can all do in their program. Settle down boys. I liked working with them. We got back into a large group and told everyone else what we learned about each other. Their homework for the next week is to listen to some radio and think about what they like and don?t like and also to think about ideas for their shows. What a fast hour. I think this is going to be fun, but I had forgotten how much little kids like to talk and how energetic they are. I think I have explained this before but I am working with a group of third year students who are graduating in May and this is kind of a practice thing for the real world. We are going into a school once a week and teaching kids about radio and how it all works. At the end of the semester they are going to produce their own shows. There will be three groups from this school and will broadcast over a period of three weeks at the end of the semester live on Siren FM the university?s radio station. I am excited. I got home and just kind of hung out. I had done a lot already that day. I called Jason to see if he was interested in going with me on my journey tomorrow but he said no, so I guess I was going alone. I studied the train schedules and figured it all out because I had to switch trains at this one point. I was tired and a little homesick so I took a nap. I got a text from Jason around 11 asking if I wanted to come with to Ritzys the club. I said sure and he told me that they were leaving soon so I had to be fast. I got there and he was with three of his flat mates, Jackie, Jo and Lauren. First we stopped at the Walkabout for a drink. Jason launched into a big lecture with me about a number of things. But it was a good talk. We left the walkabout and went to ritzys. It?s a three-floor dance club and we started on the first floor. I was ordering a drink and the barmaid freaked on me and was like I love your accent where are you from? Turns out she is from Canada. I liked her. The first floor is called Jumpin Jaks and is a bunch of pop and cheesy music. We went to the second floor which is more dance and something else. I was dancing with this group of people and the guy next to me ended up burning me on the face with a cigarette. That hurt so bad and I backed up and Jason and Lauren were on me in two seconds to see if I was ok. OUCH!!!!! That was the end of that. I was dancing with a few more people and then it was time to go. I had a good night and am glad that Jason texted me. He was really drunk (pissed) and I had to walk with him. I don?t remember what time I went to bed, all I know is that I didn?t get too much sleep before I had to get up the next day for my adventure.
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