Hey Kari,
It looks like you are having so much fun!! I'm jealous..ttyl kel
you have some really awesome pictures on this site. we'll have to hang out sometime when you get back into the country so you can tell me some stories about the trip.
you look like you are having so much fun. I wish I was there with you. Man I love England. Can't wait to see you this summer!
Dani's Dad
kari, thanks for posting pictures of daughter; i'd almost forgotten what she looks like!
Dani's Dad
i thought the sun always shined in roma! tell dani to get rid of those humongous white tennis shoes and get something that makes her look continental.
who woulda ever thunk a year ago that two (2) msum students woulda been running around roma eating cream puffs and gelatos.
Hey Kari! I'm having fun with you in ROma. I hope I'm not that bad of a tour guide/host. When in rome...:)
Hey Kari! Fun talking to you last night! I saw your "traditional english breakfast" in Boston...it did look greasy....The bacon (at least I'm assuming its bacon, kinda looked like something else...) But otherwise it looked like a neat town:) Have a good day!
Hey Kari! Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a great time! I still have to look at my schedule (yeah, I'm slow, sorry), but I still definately want to come and visit. When is your spring break? Mine is March 18-26. Maybe sometime around there? Anywho...lemme know! Again, happy 21st! Love your entries and photos! You crack me up!
Karen G.
Nice pictures, Kari - it looks like you are having a great time. I enjoyed reading about your trip. Have fun!
Hey everyone thanks for the fun wall posts luv ya
Hi KariO
Sounds like you are having a great time. I love your board. Keep it up. It is great to read about all your adventures.