Kari goes to Lincoln, England
Today was a big day for me as it was the first day of school. I still do not have an alarm clock and asked Sarah to call me. She called me at 8:30 so this meant that I really had to hurry to get ready and get to class at 9AM. I got ready, ate breakfast and left my flat by 8:45 because I couldn't remember how long it took to get there. Walking in the door of the building I recognized one of the kids who had been at the pub on Friday night, so good to see familiar faces, little bit of problem opening the door, I am still automatically reaching for the right side. These English people are so confusing. There are doors when you enter where you have to push, and then you pull to exit, so one could assume that all doors are like that.... just kidding, there are some that you pull when entering. I will never figure out the doors. So I went to my first lecture of the day, here things are so confusing because for one unit (class) there can be three different locations, meeting times and professors. There are lectures, seminars and some even have a workshop. Oh my! I had lecture for my radio class with Bryan, who is kind of our advisor/ contact person here. It was ok, I was pretty tired and it was a little overwhelming. I knew a lot of the students in this class, because I had met them on Friday, Jason was also in there as was Phil, who was at MSU last fall. Next off I had lecture for analyzing the Media Industries, it was only a half an hour and all the prof did was go over the outline, but I was SO bored. Two down, one to go. The lecture hall for that one was in the atrium, which is pretty much the student union, there is food there and everyone hangs out there in between classes. Afterward I was standing there talking to Jason and some of the people who had been in that class who I knew from Friday and Ben came up to me and hugged me, this is the first time that I saw him. It was 11:45 and I didn't have class until 2PM again so I went back to my room. Sarah called me and told me I should go and get my student library card, because they weren't going to process them and put them into the database until all three of us did it. So off I went. It is a student ID/library card. Don't worry I'll take pictures. I had a little more time before class so I replied to a bunch of emails that I hadn't had time to respond to until now. While I was sitting here I noticed that I train goes by every couple of minutes, but they are little trains and aren't really that loud unlike the ones in Moorhead, so I tried to take pictures. Some are small two car people ones and others have about 30 cars, which are not people trains. And then I left for class. It was lecture for my other radio class - I really liked the prof because she was a good speaker but I had no idea what she was talking about, she referred to last term and a whole bunch of other things. It was really ironic though because Bryan was in there to talk about option C, yet another confusing thing and came up to me and the girls I was sitting by and introduced me to them, and mumbled something I didn't understand, but I just nodded and smiled like I do with so many things. At the end of the hour a guy sitting behind me asked me what my name was because he had overheard our conversation at the beginning. His name is Ben and he knows the Ben who was at MSUM, and his roommate's birthday is the same day as mine, Ben had told me I could celebrate with her. So it was kinda crazy to meet this guy. After this lecture I had an hour to kill before seminar for that class. I decided to check out the library, it's an old warehouse that was converted into a library. It is so sweet. It is modern with glass doors and cute signs and yet the outside and walls look old. I really enjoyed walking around and checking everything out. I know I have to take pictures so you can see, but I really didn't feel like being a nerdy tourist today. I also found a handout on how to use the virtual campus. This was talked about in two of my classes, so now I know, but first I have to get put into the database. I took a different route back to campus and discovered this bridge that I have to take to cross the railroad, it requires going up four flights of stairs on each side. Good stuff. So I went to seminar and of course Bryan introduced me to the whole class, so embarrassing when everyone turns and looks at you. This radio class is research and development for 3ys, these kids graduate in May. So it's an upper level course and I am also taking 2yr radio, but Bryan tells me its ok even though I have never taken a radio course ever. This course will be fun because it entails working with schools in the area and helping them develop their own radio program and at the end of the semester they broadcast live. This will be really cool to get to go into a school and work with the kids. We have to visit them weekly I think. I am very excited for it and hope that my lack of experience doesn't hold my group back. So the two girls I sat by in lecture, they are my group members, how weird, now I know what Bryan was mumbling about. Talk about Ironic!!! My group and Bryan are going to the school tomorrow to check things out etc. I am really excited. It should be fun and I promise that I will take pictures. When I was talking to Bryan after class he told me about when he was talking to them. He asked if it would be ok if I joined them and their response was of course we would love to have her, or something to that effect. He was really impressed with them and told me that I would enjoy working with them. So I left campus in a really good mood. All in all a good day and I have more to look forward to tomorrow. I got back to my room and worked on my pics and journals yet again but got really tired around 6 so I took a nap and it turned into 3 hours. I got up and I was so bored. So I got to work and decided that I was going to get my site updated once and for all. I did. I also called Kayla and talked to a bunch of people on MSN. It was much later that I was talking to Amanda Jo when there was a knock on my door - it was my two male flat mates. They wanted to have a chat - at 3AM?? Ok - I hadn't seen the one since Thursday when I moved in and I had only seen the other one in passing a few times. I think I talked to them for about 2 hours. They are really cool - however James is a little interesting because he has a girlfriend at home and used to have one here but broke up with her and now tells people that he is single? Theres something about his girlfriends friend knows his exgirlfriend here or something. But they are fun to talk to anyways and I wasn't tired so it was something to do.
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