Another fairly standard week at uni i.e. trying not to skip too many lectures was made better by the fact that we've just completed plans to go on a road trip for the second week of the holidays. We're hiring 2 cars for the 8 of us that are going: me, MA, ME, GL, LA, EM, FU and IP. Luckily I'm too young to be able to drive a hire car, so we're leaving it to the Europeans to navigate through the city streets. The first night we're spending in Toulouse, then 4 nights in Bordeaux; so it should be a veritable wine explosion.
On Wednesday GL and I decided to try a yoga class in town. She assured me it was a beginners' class, but when we got there everyone looked very professional. It was an interesting hour and a half, but I'm not sure I did that well as the teacher kept having to come over and correct us. For the few moves that he didn't talk to me about, I was feeling proud; until at the end he told me he could have given me a lot more instruction but he 'thought it would have been too much information for me'. Thanks a lot. Also everyone was doing a really weird breathing thing for the whole time as we were supposed to be 'filtering out impurities', but I just settled for trying to not fall over.
Another Saturday night out, another hilarious Numeral experience. This time highlights included him grinding on a man when he saw I was talking to LA, losing his CB and voluntarily leaving the taxi before it got to Triolet.
A fairly distressing experience today. At about 14h30 I was walking along the main road that separates UM2 and UM3 on the way to LA's to pick up my stuff from Saturday night. I had one earphone of my Ipod in and was enjoying the sunshine. Halfway along however I saw a boy of about my age standing between 2 cars parked on the side of the road, pipe in hand. OK, I thought, he's probably just having a wee, and averted my gaze quickly. However, after a few more steps I glanced over again and saw that in fact he was doing something else, while watching me, and making a rather gutteral noise. As I realised with horror what was going on I was still walking and to my horror he made a few steps towards me between the cars. I quickly crossed the road and made my way to LA's the long way round, as he was too close to the shortcut through UM2. Luckily I recovered after being given a coke, crisps and fleecey socks. What is the world coming to where you can't even walk along a main street on a Monday afternoon without being accosted?!
- comments
Tom one of the most elegant descriptions of masturbation I've heard in some time