After the previous nights festivities, I woke up at 13h, and there wasn't much time to do anything (well, maybe a bit of revision for my Monday exam) before heading out to the Fête des Vignes in town. Similar to Les Estivals in the summer, for 2€ you get a glass and 3 degustations; the main difference being it starts mid-afternoon and finishes around 8pm. When we arrived we went to find AL and his friends, who had come over from Italy for a few days to visit. Unfortunately out of 2 boys and 2 girls nobody spoke French or Spanish and only one girl spoke a little English so our conversations involved a lot of smiling, waving our hands around and me trying to remember something other than 'basta'. Nevertheless they all seemed very nice, especially PA, who was apparently on his 14th degustation and was the definition of an Italian (leather jacket, ray bans, cigarette, shouting).
By about 20h30 we had become well aquainted with the local produce after several degustations. Old men seemed to freely give CA their tickets; from which LA and I profited. Also the George Clooney look-alike who kept asking LA to a bar whenever we passed him. We decided to have dinner with AL at Le Bouchon St Roch. Safe to say 5 Italians, 1 Frenchman, 2 tipsy (well, I was anyway) English girls and a Norwegian caused quite a commotion in the restaurant; but hopefully we didn't put anyone off too much. We accompanied the girls home as they were tired and we were supposed to be going out after (AL thought I was the best bet to know where to take them, ha ha). However, after waiting for 45 minutes I decided to be sensible and go to bed. Good decision for my hopes of revision.
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