Day 129, 10 November 2012, Lovely Mayfair! Baubles in Burlington Arcade, James Bond at the Curzon Mayfair. Our jaunt into London today took a little longer than the usual 40 minutes on a fast train. Due to track work, which is admirable, necessary and all that jazz, we had to take a bus from Chelmsford station to Billericay (30 minutes) and then a slow train to London (another 40 minutes). Eventually arrived and decided to walk towards the Curzon Mayfair cinema via Burlington Arcade - the longest covered shopping street in Britain. 90% of the shops in the arcade are fine jewellery shops as it turns out - and some have been in business since the 1700s (just not here as the arcade didn't open till 1819) ( I don't know if much buying was occurring, but we were certainly not the only folks window shopping. Actually on our budget I don't think we could even buy a window in this arcade! We sat for sandwiches in Green Park, with Buckingham Palace not too far away, and watched tourists from a hot country running around in the cold wet mistiness playing with piles of autumn leaves on the ground. At the cinema the only possible choice was Skyfall - Bond. James Bond. We had a rather odd moment when we went for tickets and used our passes - the staff member asked if we wanted the more comfortable seats. Er... is that a trick question? Do people often say 'No'? Maybe it's a stiff upper lip English thing. Who knows. In any event we took a chance and said yes and got to sprawl in magnificent velvety comfort for the duration of the movie. The movie was extra-fun for us - because much of it is set in London and about every 10 minutes one of us got to point and the screen at some landmark or another - "Been there!" We think it's Daniel Craig's best Bond movie so far actually - so get thee to a cinema quick smart. And if someone offers you more comfortable seats - take them.
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