9am...10am...11am...ahhh did this morning feel good! I got up this morning and finally after four days of sickness, I felt great! All I needed was sleep! Who knew? I got this morning and there was only Morat, Tyler, and Irish Kevin in the house. All of the girls except Caitlin were gone to Machu Picchu for the weekend. I decided to make french crepes again for everyone.
Kevin, Morat and myself were meeting with Dillman and Daniel at 1:30pm. They wanted us to try chicheron, which is a very famous peruvian dish (pork). I tried a bit from Kevin's plate, but I was more in the mood for trout. Sabine was meeting up with us later, because we were planning to go see the soccer game today at 3:30pm.
It was 3:10, and we were really late for the game. We got into a taxi and hurried to the Stadium. As soon as we got there, there were people selling the Cuzco jerseys for really cheap. I hesitated weather or not I should buy one, but instead, I decided to wait until after the game. We noticed, as we approached the stadium that a lot of people were walking in the opposite direction as us. I asked one of the local people where could we buy the tickets for the game. He said that the game was over, and that it started at 1:15pm. At that moment, we saw Ingrid and Brian walk passed us asking us if we were at the game. I could not believe that we missed the game. Everyone had told us (even the newspaper) that the game was at 3:30, but apparently the game was changed at the last minute...
I knew that I was not going to be able to see the next game since I was leaving Cuzco in a week. Kevin was pretty upset, too, but at least he was staying in Cuzco for three months and had plenty of time to see another game. Kevin proposed and excellent alternative to the bad! I wasn't surprised that this solution came out of the mouth of Kevin...he was Irish!
We walked back to the Plaza, trying to look for the cheapest bar. We finally ended up at this Irish pub called Paddy's. Between Morat, Sabine, Kevin and myself, we had 7 huge 650ml bottles all afternoon, while watching the other soccer game that was being played in Lima. Next to us, in the bar, was a group of Peruvians from Lima that were really enthousiastic about the game. They would constantly chant in the bar, and after every shot on goal, they screamed at the top of their lungs. I really liked the energy! On the other side, were quiet Irish people (I found that odd, but I guess it was because it wasn't teams that they knew).
We stayed until 7pm, and went home to have supper. We were going to meet up with Sabine to go to Pizza Car...again! Kevin was not in the mood to come, so Caitlin and I met up with Hassan, his friend Nilou (a persian from the States), and Sabine. Pizza Car was delicious, again! After Pizza Car, we went to go pick up Kevin and Morat...we were going out again!
We went to this really cool lounge called "Bullfrogz". The place had an incredible ambiance with heated lamps, bean chairs, candles everywhere, pool table and fuseball table. This place, along with "the Leek" were my two favorite places in Cuzco. At Bullfrogz was Ingrid and Brian, Emilie and Molly (and their house caretaker, Leila). We ended up playing pool (the table was really bad) and fuseball until a bunch of us were ready to go Mythology!
On our way to Mythology, I saw my buddy Beto. He offered me a free beer (as usual). Throughout the night, a lot people were getting drunk, especially Ingrid and Kevin! Kevin was hilarious on the dance floor. I loved his energy! We met these two girls, one from Texas, and the other from Lima. After talking to the girl from Lima (her name was Patty), I found out that the she was going to be moving to Montreal to study theatre at McGill! What a coincidence!
We left at around 1am. I was still laughing at the way Kevin parties...a real Irishman!
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