I was really excited about today because I was going to have an educational and cultural day. I got up and decided to make french crepes again (I made some yesterday morning as well). Maritza had wanted me to make them again and Patricia was there this morning so I decided to make for her as well. I was leaving this morning at 10am with Caitlin to see a few museums.
When we got to the Plaza des Armas, we were feeling a bit hungry so we decided to try Bembos. Bembos is like a McDonalds, but is a Peruvian company. Everyone here has told us that we had to try it, and so we felt that it was a perfect opportunity today. The hamburgers were really big and juicy, but unfortunetely, the price for a trio was about the same as back home. While we were at Bembos, one of Caitlin's friends arrived. His name was Cesar and he was a local from Cuzco that she met at Maximo Nivel. He was learning to be a tour guide and was trying to learn English. His English was good, but still needed some improvment (kind of like my Spanish).
We invited him to the Museum (we were going to go to the regional historical museum included in our boleto touristico). It was great having Cesar with us, because he explained everything in the museum. It was like having our personal tour guide...for free! After the museum we decided to go back home for lunch, because after, we were going to go with Sabine to Tipon and Pikillacta. When we got home, there were 5 new people that arrived: two people from New Zealand, a newly married couple from Alberta (Colleen and Rod), and my new roommate, Morat, from Russia. After getting to know Morat a bit, he asked if he can come with us. I said sure!
We took the bus to Sabine's house. She was staying with a family (instead of a volunteer house like me). Her family house mother, Meri, was going to come with us as well. When we got to the house, it was really cozy. I met Meri, Rita (Meri's sister), Meri's husband and son and another friend of the family. They offered all of us some ice cream. I got along right away with the family. We organized a date to go salsa dancing (me and Rita).
We were going to take the bus to Tipon, but instead we found a taxi that was willing to take us anywhere we wanted to go and back for 50 Soles (for 6 people). Our first destination was Tipon. While walking around the national park, I got to know Meri more, and loved her personality! She was a woman in her 50s that had so much energy, was non-conservative, and loved adventure! We got along really great. I was amazed, again, by the water canals that the Incas built to direct the water from the mountains to where they wanted. Also, I got to witness an Inca shower. Cesar was kind enough to explain what all the sites meant. He spoke in English and Spanish (when he wasn't able to say it in English).
Our next stop was Pikillacta. This was a village (that means bug village), that housed a pre-Inca population. The village was huge (the biggest that I have seen). It once contained 2000 inhabitants. The village, however, was in a very dry area, making it very hard to grow crops so the village moved to another destination with the idea of moving back one day. However, the Incas took over and conquered the village and it became a village for normal village Incas.
It was getting dark and everyone was getting hungry so we decided to go back home. We were dropping off Cesar and Meri at their respective homes and Sabine was coming over to our house. Barbara and Jeremy were going to have their last night with us so we planned to go to a vegeterian restaurant down the street, however, we did not realize that it was closed (most restaurants are closed on Sundays in Cuzco). Everyone that lived in the house was home and sitting in the living room. As I looked around, I could not help but feel a little weird. There were about fifteen people now living with us when just a week ago there was six. I had also found out that we had another new arrival. Her name was Kelly and she was from Nebraska, but going to med school in LA. She was too tired to come with us and was sleeping.
So with the vegeterian restaurant closed, Barbara and Jeremy still not back, Patricia, nowhere to be found with the supper, and all of us really hungry, there was only one thing to do...go eat at Pizza Car again!!! Tyler and I had convinced averyone to come telling everyone that it would be the most amzing pizza that they have ever tried. I was really excited to go there again. This time, we knew the owner well, and because we were giving them lots of business, she decided to give us a 5% discount.
When we got there we ordered three gigante pizzas this time. It was usual! After eating about 8 slices, I was content and ready to go back home in my cozy bed. However, when we actually did get back home, I was still a little hungry so I had a bit of the supper that Patricia brought as well as the dessert. Now, I was ready to go to bed...full, satisfied, and content!
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