I left Arequipa at 8:30 in the morning. I was feeling a bit better, because I had some fresh orange juice for breakfast with a banana. I was hoping that when I got to Puno, I would be able to catch the Copacabana bus right away. I wasn't planning on staying in Puno, because everything I could do here, I could do in Copacabana as well (both of the cities border lake Titicaca).
I got to Puno at 2:30 exactly, but I had to wait a long time for my backpack. When I finally got it, I went to inquire about the bus to Copacabana, and apparently, the last bus was at 2:30 because the border office for Bolivia closes at 6:30, and a bus leaving later would not get there in time. So I was stuck in Puno for a night...
I decided to rent a room in the terminal since I just wanted to spend the night and leave (as well as catch some rest to try to get rid of this cold...) I went around the terminal, passing my time eating and going on the internet. I felt like Tom Hanks in "The Terminal". By night, I was really feeling sick with a high fever and bad congestion. Luckily, there was a clinic in the terminal, so I went to go get help.
The doctor (or nurse, not sure) suggested that I take an injection of penicillin. Now, I knew that I was in a foreign country, and was not sure about their methods, however, I really needed to get better. The shot was going to be in my ass! Once she injected the needle, she took in right out and told me that she hit the wrong spot. I was really getting nervous at this point so I told her that maybe pills would be better for me.
So she gave me antibiotics (why did I not think of this before and take them sooner!). I was feeling a lot better after the visit, and I felt confortable enough to go to bed. But the night really did not make me better...
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