Corecction: What we drank that day in Cbba was "Pecera del amor" :P
Anna Pamel
Hola Nico mou,
Como esta eusted? I know, the Spanish is not up to your level, but I tried. Are you very busy? I guess we just got used to your writing on your blog everyday. Keep us informed.
Yo quiero mucho!
Anna Pamel
Hola Nico mou,
You haven't written anything on your blog since Wednesday. Is everything OK? Have you started working with the children yet? Let me know.
Anna Pamel
I had hoped to be the first one to leave you a message, but your friend beat me to it. Is that the Nick from Longueuil soccer? Anyway, have a safe trip down to South America and call us when you arrive. What did you say the number was...1-800-collect!!! Love you. Mom
Nicolas Lavoie
Salut Nic! J'ai vu sur facebook que tu passerais pas le chili. Ma blonde est chilienne, elle vient de Valparaiso, alors tu me diras ou tu vas exactement et si tu peux, montre-nous des photos! Bon voyage!!!