This morning, I almost slept through my project. Irish Kevin had to wake me up this morning. It was 8:30am, I was late, and Caitlin was waiting for me in the lobby. I got ready in 20 minutes and we were out the door.
At our project, Margoth decided to read a few fairy tales to the kids. After she was done, she asked me if I could read one tomorrow. I was a bit hesitant at first, but thought that Spanish was not too hard to read, it was like French! After the stories, we were going to learn about the letter U. The kids had to write the letter U everywhere on a drawing of grapes (because grapes in Spanish is uva). Time was passing really quickly today. It was already 11am, and we did not have recess yet.
After recess, we were learning about the number 4. I did not help much, because I told Margoth that it would be better that I start making the children's homework in their books now, so that we don't have to be stressing about it later. We were finished very early today (at around 1pm). That did not bother me since I wanted to go on the computer a bit before my tandem at 2:30pm. Today, i was getting a new tandem partner.
I met up with Marissa at Maximo Nivel and decided to help her a bit with her homework. 2:30 approached and I was anxious to find out who my tandem was. Was it going to be a girl this time? ...NO! His name was John Carlos! He was a really nice guy. He was studying to be a chef. We talked motsly in Spanish because his English was not as good as my Spanish.
After my tandem, I took the bus back home. I had gotten use to the bus right now. I was feeling like one of the locals, and not like a tourist anymore. I ws really starting to feal like Cuzco was my city, now. I had planned to meet with Daniel and Dillman tonight. They were going to show me a few local places. However, before, I was meeting with everyone at this place called "the Muse". The Muse is a very relaxed lounge where they have Trivia on Thursday nights. We weren't going for their Trivia, but more for their delicious smoothies.
At the Muse, Caitlin and I met up with Hassan and a bunch of new people: Ingrid, a girl from New York and her friend, Daniel, and Molly and Emilie, two 17 year-old best friends. Sandra and Sabine were also there. After our huge delicious smoothies, everyone except me, Sandra, Daniel and Dillman decided to go to Mythology. I, however, was getting sick of there and wanted to try a bar for locals. We went to this place that played a lot of Salsa. I took Sandra by the hand to go dance. It has been a while since I have not practiced my moves. Sandra, however, is a really good dancer. She has been dancing for years. i was a bit intimidated at first, but we had fun.
We joined the rest of the group an hour later at Mythology. I had gotten to know the promoters at the different clubs know so everytime I went to a club I would always greet the promoters and the bouncers as if I knew them for a while. It was very crowded on the dance floor so Sandra and I went to sit down on one of the couches a bit away from the dance floor where it was less loud. We talked about ambitions and relationships. She is a really down to earth girl that was ready to settle down (she is 27 years old).
At around 12:30am, we decided leave and go back home. When we returned to where everyone was, we noticed that everyone had left. The only thing that was remaining was my sweater lying on the sofa, without supervision. Anyone that has visited Cuzco would know that if you left anything anywhere somewhere, unsupervised, it was gone within seconds. However, I was really lucky to find it still lying there...
We took a cab back home together, and I was glad to have made a new friend that lives in Barcelona...for when I will go there next year...
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