Nicolas' latest entry
Killarney-Cork-Dublin, Ireland
29th March - 2nd April
May the road rise up to meet you.May the wind always be at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face,and rains fall soft upon your fields.And until we meet again,May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Irish Blessing
The bus ride to Killarney was really long. I had to stop in Limerick for an hour, and t…
Millie Note to self: When travelling to Peru with Nick carry painkillers and medicine for altitude sickness - if there are any.
re: Arequipa, PeruMillie I love how american air companies have stream-lined their services and are so incredibly capitalistic. When I was once flying from London to Philly, the pilot began his intro speech by talking about the stock market, and asked us to buy shares in the airline company. And I totally agree with your neighbor. The best way to fly is with a few drinks. I like to be drunk before boarding so I sleep during the flight, and when I wake up we've arrived. Saves on anxiety and boredom.
re: On my way to Lima, Floridaconnie,chris+mical hey man, the pillars of intelligence were happy to meet you. hope all is well!
re: Edinburgh, UKchristine Hi Nick I am glad to read your story. what an experience you had on your travel.? I agree my parents use to said: the more & longer you travel the better exprience & knowledge you gain? I plan a transatlantic cruise in Nov. disembark in SP Dec 12 ,have 3 days to see SP & go to foz Iguazu & Puerto Iguazu can you give me any suggestion which side I should see first & how to take bus to both side? how many hr bus SP to foz town , should I stay at Foz town? check in hotel in town & leave luggage hotel or park can keep your luggage? me & friend travel w 2 luggages each. we don't speak spanish , understand very limit . Should we buy bus ticket on line or wait till get to SP. Do you still remember bus name or web side/ schedule. bus cost,park entrance,park schedule ect... Any inf. & suggestion is greatly appreciate. Best regards,
re: Puerto Iguazu, Argentinaloc you should go to the heineken factory, casa rosso for a sex show, and more coffeshops.
re: Amsterdam, Netherlands