There was a strike going on today for taxis and bus drivers, so none of us were able to go to out projects. A bunch of us decided to walk to the Plaza. Walking to the Plaza was a little odd. The streets were almost deserted. We were told that there were some taxi drivers still driving, but that it would be really dangerous to go into one, because people would just end up throwing rocks...
There were trucks of army people around, just in case a riot were to break loose. We decided to walk around the Plaza because Caitlin wanted to inquire about a the Nazca lines trip. We were all feeling a bit hungry and so I asked a person about a good place to eat around the Plaza, but cheap. The guy brought us to this place that no one would be able to find. It was called El Fogon. I had ny doubts, but when I was told that it cost 10 Soles for a 4 course meal including access to a salad bar that was really big, I was sold! The place was amazing! I was beginning to think that instead of looking through my guide book for good restaurant, asking local people was much better!
After lunch, we decided to walk to Maximo Nivel. We stayed there for a bit (because of the computer rooms), but then decided to go back home around 5pm. Tyler and I planned on taking everyone to Pizza Car again tonight (that place is sooo good! I think I want to start a franchise in Canada!). We rallied everyone from the house (including Patricia!). We broke out record for the most people that came to Pizza Car. The owner of the place was really pleased and she gave us a higher discount. Among the people that came (in which I have not mentioned yet) was an older woman named Lanni from San Diego, California. She looked like your typical yoga/health conscience/milf from California.
After Pizza Car, I was satisfied once again. We were about to go to Trivia Night, but it was late, so instead, we decided to play Monopolio again, with the real rules this time. Morat, Caitlin, Tyler, Amy, Kelly, and myself played in teams of three. I was with Kelly. Tyler ended up winning because of a wrong trade on Caitlin's part...At around 10pm, I was ready to go to bed. The other night, I barely had any sleep. I think I was out cold as soon as my head hit the pillow...
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