Nick's Crazy Travel Blog
When I got up this morning, Caitlin was feeling a bit better to go to our project together. Maritza had informed us that we could have taken another bus there that would have been cheaper. Therefore, we were now taking a bus to Maximo Nivel, and a bus to our project, which cost us in all 1.20 Soles. We took our usual walk up the hill, where we can see the poverty all around us. Music, from one of the house would always be blasting every morning.
When we got there, the Spaniards were not there. The first activity of the day was to glue confetti on popsicle sticks. I spent the whole first period handing out coloured popsicle sticks and learning my colours in Spanish. One of the kids, Santos, was alone in a corner, and was on a roll filling confetti on his popsicle stick and asking for another just to start all over again. I realized that all of the hyperactive kids were the ones that were the most concentrated and all of the usually quite kids were the ones acting up. One of the kids took a blob of glue and wiped it on the face of another. He started crying and I had to wipe the glue off his right cheek.
Recess came around and the Spaniards showed up. They did not even say hello or talk with me or Caitlin. They showed up with a new toy: a frisbee. After a while outside, I noticed Caitlin sitting alone. At first I thought she looked bored and was just as upset about the Spaniards taking over as I was, but then, it seemed like it might be something more serious. I went to see what was the problem, and Caitlin told me that she really wasn't feeling well. So we decided to leave earlier so that we can go see a doctor. Doctors here are only 60 Soles per visit and best of all, they make house calls!
The ride home was spent mostly in silence. Caitlin looked like she was going to pass out. I decided to stay at Maximo Nivel, since I was meeting my Tandem partner at 2:30pm. The Tandem program at Maximo Nivel is a program that you can register for free where an English speaking person is paired with a Spanish speaking person that is taking classes so that they can practice speaking in English or Spanish. I was told that a lot of relationships have started that way (where a guy is paired with a girl). I was really excited to see who my Tandem partner was.
I got at Maximo Nivel pretty early so I updated my blog on their computers. We have access to a computer room where the offices are. 2:30pm was coming along and I was meeting my partner any minute. Then, one of the employee's of Maximo Nivel found me in order to present my partner. "Nicolas! This is your partner...Mijhaell" It was a guy, about 19 years old...
I was a bit disappointed at first, but then when I got to know him more, he was actually a pretty cool guy. He was in dentistry and wanted to learn English so that he can open a clinic that caters to locals and tourists. After about 20 minutes of talking, Marissa came to join us. She asked me if could come with her later. So after getting to know each other a bit more, Mijhaell and I decided to schedule another meeting time for the next day. Marissa and I took a taxi back home.
Back home, I rested a bit. Hassan had invited a bunch of us to go for Indian food. Hassan is from Pakistan, but he found a really cool Indian place in Cuzco. Barbara and Jeremy were coming, too. Caitlin was still not feeling well, but we finally found out what she had...parasites in her stomach. The doctor had prescribed her some medication, but she was still bed ridden. Before going to the restaurant, I kept her company for a bit (she had been watching cartoons all afternoon!).
I had a little trouble finding the restaurant (it seems like a lot of things are hard to find in Cuzco...). When I got there, the restaurant smelled so good (and authetic). I met the owner of the place, whom was a person from India that spoke Spanish. I found that so paradoxal. I also met two new people: Logan (a girl) and Nassim, two med students from Florida. The food was amazing (but a little expensive). It was 25 Soles per plate! I know this does not seem like a lot (9$), but I had gotten so use to the prices here that 25 Soles was a lot for me. I thought about bargaining with the owner (since we were a lot). That was another problem of mine: I had gotten so use to bargaining on everything over here (and got really good at it), that I was scared to find out how it would be when I got back to Canada...
After supper, I went back home and was still hungry. My appetite had seemed to get bigger ever since I stopped being sick. So I had the supper that was made for that night. At my house, breakfast, lunch, and supper are included and made every night, however if we choose to go out, it is at our expense (but supper will still be at home even if we are not there).
It was 10pm and I was getting tired. I usually get tired around this time since I get up every morning at 7am to go to my project (also because the kids wear me out...) So I was in bed by 10:30pm.
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