Today, I got up at 7:15. Everyone was already up. Caitlin and I were going to our project again today. Upon getting to Maximo Nivel, I talked to Heidi about the amazing project I had to propose about the Palace of Pachacuti. She thought it would be a great idea and thought that we should all meet next week.
When Caitlin and I arrived to our project, all of the kids recognized us right away. I waived at a few of them. My favorites were Ruth Kelly, Yesmenia, Melani, and Yeferson. The day started with the kids learning the letter O and how to write it. I was given the task to sharpen the pencils (I had brought a soccer ball and my CANADA pencils, but decided to give them later). I was sharpening pencils for half an hour because they kept on breaking. They had only one good sharpener. After getting really fed up with sharpening, I gave my pencils and sharpened them instead. Margoth was surprised but thrilled to know that I brought something. Suddenly, all of the kids wanted to use the CANADA pencils...
When snacktime came along, I noticed one kid, Estefani, had no food, and it had been two days. I asked Margoth why, and she said that some kids don´t have the money. Margoth then asked other kids if they could share their food. All of a sudden, practically all the kids gave her something. Estefani had such a big smile on her face once she knew that she had food to eat. It was a very emotional moment for me, but it seemed to be normal for everyone else. Once I felt tears buiding up in my eyes, I decided to take a moment to step out of the classroom for a bit. I could not believe what I had just seen. I came back ready to do my toothpaste duty.
When recess came around, I took out my soccer ball. All the kids were so excited and all the boys wanted to play with it. I designated a net and a goalkeeper and we played for the whole recess. When we got back into class, it was math time. The kids learned about the sqaure and the number one (as well as how to write it). I helped some of the kids write the number one properly. Margoth then asked me to help her write in their text books the homework for the day. They did not have any pre-made work books so all assignment had to be hand written for each student (since we could not photocopy).
After class, we all went down to take the bus again. Caitlin was going to take her Spanish classes, while I signed up for Tandem. Tandem is an activity where Natives who are learning English are paired with English people that are learning Spanish. It is simply a medium to practice conversation skills. I was told that many romantic relationships developped due to this activity so I wanted to give it a well as learn more Spanish...
When I got home, Maritza served me lunch and we ended up conversing the whole afternoon. She was originaly from Lima and only working in Cuzco for 8 months. When she gets back to Lima, she will return to her old job (TNT), which is a travel company.
Caitlin invited me to a going away party for two girls that were leaving tomorrow. I wanted to go out (since I was feeling much better, now). We met up with Hassan, a med student from the UK, Sabine, a german in business, and Maricarmen, a Peruvian whom Sabine are staying with her parents. Mari is a law student that is going to be passing her Peruvian Barr within the next year. We went out to this really cool lounge called "Look". Afterwards, we went to Mythology. I really liked Maricarmen because we had such good conversation at the lounge. However, throughout the night, Caitlin wasn´t feeling good. At the lounge, she had taken mojitos with ICE! So Caitlin and I decided to go home (I did not want her to go home alone).
I was really relieved that tomorrow morning, I could actually sleep in!
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