Today was going to be an amazing day! Jose was able to get us really good tickets for 35$ (not Soles!) for a guided tour as well as reserved seats to Inti Raymi. Spencer and I were the only ones that did not pay yet so we had to get up a little earlier to pay the tour company. We left at 8 o´clock and when we got there, the company told us that there were no more seats available, but that if we wanted to sit on the floor in the tour bus, we could for only 25$. Spencer and I looked at each other and both agreed that that was a good deal.
We got on the bus and luckily for us, two people did not show up! So we really had a good deal! We took the bus to the Inka church (near Maximo Nivel) and I think we got the best seats because the parade passed right in front of us. It was amazing! The Inka church was now a Catholic church. When the Spaniards arrived to South America, they decided to build on top of all of the sacred spots so that they could easily convert them. We were then told that we were going to take the tour to Sacsayhuaman (I actually thought this was a different spelling until I saw how it spelled). At Sacsayhuaman, we were going to witness the actually ceremony (as well as sacrifice a human...I mean llama!).
The tour provided an amazing lunch. My stomach was actually feeling better so I had a big appetite. We had to wait two hours for the ceremony to begin. Typical North American music was in the background (Celine Dion, The Eagles...) to help us pass the time. When it began I sat in front of everyone in order to get the best view. We were sitting quite far on a hill, but we had a great view. Jose asked me to film the ceremony with his video camera (it will be on youtube in about a week). The sacrificing of the llama was a bit dissapointing though. First of all, I think the llama was already dead. Second, they did not show much since there was a bunch of Incas surrounding the llama. However, I think I got good pictures.
The ceremony ended at about 4pm. I was really glad to have seen it. This was a once in a lifetime experience! The bus ride home was very long. We were stuck in trafic for a long time since everyone was leaving at the same time. So we decided to walk all the way down to Cuzco (which would probably take less time anyway. We were told that it was an hour walk, but we were up for the adventure and the scenery. We walked by an Inca ruin, and we were told that it was an old Inca clinic where they performed brain surgery. My stomach was starting to act up agin, but I was trying not to think about it.
We then started walking what seemed to be never-ending stairs. We stopped mid-way when me and Jose saw a soccer field and a game going on. We decided to play with them for 1-2 minutes and continue our descent to Cuzco. Jose asked the kids if we can play for not long and they agreed. We asked Jeremy and Spencer to join us in order for us to play 4 on 4. The game was on! In the first 20 seconds, Jose kicks and scores! The natives did not expect that. Then, the natives scored on us...1-1. I take the ball, and I try to impress everyone by doing a few moves, it works, and I am able to deak a player, but I fail to score...Suddenly, Jose takes the ball, and tries to kick it towards the net, but kicks the ball way over, and loses the ball...I felt so bad, but the natives said that it was not a problem and that they would get the ball. The altitude was making us breath really heavily especially after the game. God thing we only played a couple of minutes...
We couldn´t believe how far we have walked, but we made it. When we got back home, I still wasn´t feeling well. I was trying to figure out now what I had exactly. So I looked online to try to self-diagnose myself. At this time, Jose and a bunch of people went out for a bit. When thinking about what I ate in Lima and here, it came to me...when I was at Gotika (the club in Lima), I had mixed drinks with ICE!!! I had la tourista...Thank God I had pills to treat me. I immediatly took two pills.
Jose and everyone got back and Jose came to talk to me in my room about the plan, then he brought me to the kitchen. On the table there was a big cake, in my honor, it said: "Dia de San Juan de Bavtista Quebec 09" or Saint-Jean Baptiste day. It was amazing!!! Everyone knew it was today because I wouldn´t stop telling them all day. I told everyone to wait right there. I ran to my room to get my camera and the Quebec flags that I brought. We took pictures and joked around while eating the delicious marble cake.
It was Jose´s last night so he really wanted to go out, but I was not up for it so they went out (to celebrate la Saint-Jean) while I stayed home. Besides, tomorrow I was starting my volunteering...
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