I had a lot of trouble getting up this morning. I had barely slept the past few nights, and I was getting a bad cold because of it. I did not care though because I was enjoying every minute! I was going to Moray today, which is another Inca ruin. I was going with Meri (Sabine's house mother) again. Caitlin, Morat, and I took the bus to go meet up with Sabine and Meri at her house.
Joining us was Meri's husband, Pancho, and her son. We decided to take a bus to Moray, which is 90 minutes away from Cuzco. I spent most of the busride sleeping. When we got there, I felt that I had much more energy. Moray are ruins that have a circular shape. It is believed that the Incas had help from extra-terrestrial beings while building it. These were ruins that were mainly for agriculture, but it was said that the center of the circle contains, and harvests a lor of energy.
When we got to the center of the circle, I decided to tan for a bit. Pancho (who is 60 years old) decided to run around the ruin as if it was a race track! His son and I started to do the same thingm but got tired really fast. We then decided to climp a very steap hill the top, while the rest went the normal route.
After Moray, we went to Moras. We were going to hike all the way to Salineras (the city that creates salt). I got to know Meri more and more throughout the long hike (and I was loving her more and more!). I really want a wife that is a great as her! When we got to Salineras, it was beautiful! Over there, the people are able to harvest the salty water from the mountains and let the water evaporate to extraxt the salt.
After Salineras, we hiked and took a bus all the way to Urabamba to have supper. We went to this chicken place where their specialty was "Pollo a la Brasa". It was soooo good! They seem to have marinated the chicken in this sauce that gave it an incredible overall taste! The bus ride after was two hours long to Cuzco. We arrived home at around 7:30pm...just in time for more supper at home!
I really wanted to go out again (since it was my last week). Cesar (from last week) had invited us out to a local club (in which he used to work at). Caitlin and I met up with him (as well as Daniel, Dillman, and their friend, Jose). I was really glad that I was going out with mostly locals. Cesar wanted to take us out to a place called "Don Diablo". Although Daniel and Dillman told me that the place was unsafe, we still went, because Cesar assured us that it was a good place.
As soon as we got into the place, a lot of people were looking at us, as if we did not belong, however, this was the type of place that I wanted to be in. I was tired of the clubs that cattered to tourists (gringos!). The beer was really cheap here. We had about 4 bottles of their 1.1 liter beers, and decided to leave after.
I really wasn't feeling well. I was really sick, but I was trying to ignore it as much as possible. However, this time, I think I was getting a fever, and it would not be wise if I ignored it while staying up late. After we left Don Diablo, I was in search of a 24hr pharmacy. I bought some Ibuprofen, and wthin 30 minutes, I was in amazing shape. I did not care much about staying up too late, because I was knew I had nothing the next morning and I could sleep in.
We partied until about 2am at the usual places (Inkateam and Mythology), until Caitlin reminded me that she had to get up really early the next morning. Dillman and Daniel invited me and Irish Kevin to lunch tomorrow. Once again, O had another great night...thank god I was going to sleep in tomorrow!
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