Woke up early to the sound of rain and once we were up we realised we'd left the towels outside and there were muddy puddles everywhere. After breakfast Nick took the kids to the camp kitchen to do schoolwork while I did some laundry and made a sticky date pudding for the kids. As everything was too wet to play on we took the kids out for a drive through the Nambucca Valley after lunch. We drove through some beautiful dairy country to Bowraville but apart from a few nice houses there was nothing there. We headed back to Macksville and decided to explore the coast a bit as it was still too early to head home. We drove down to Stuarts Point and then came home via Grassy Head and Scotts Head before returning to the caravan park. Although it looked stormy it was dry so we went for a walk along the beach and then Nick took the kids for a swim in the pool (heated pool!!) while I attempted a roast dinner in the camp kitchen oven - disaster!! Went to bed in a foul mood as my dinner had flopped and it had taken a lot of effort!!
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