I was so excited waking up this morning. Last night Jonathan, Richard, Pam and I went out on the town for our first dinner out in Edinburgh. Jonathan and I went early for drinks and then met everyone else up for dinner. We had a great time and then headed back to Richards so Pam could finish sewing my pants. Pam is great. She was making a little modification to my riding pants so they would stay down over my boots. She is a whiz with a needle and thread.
When I told everyone I was leaving on Saturday morning, Jonathan put up a huge protest. He convinced me to stay one more night as he was throwing a big blowout party on Saturday night. I can't miss the party now can I. I was still chomping at the bit to get going and on the road so I decided to take a day trip today. I got up early, geared up and headed off to see the sights of St. Andrews.
Now before we get to St. Andrews let me share a little with you about this gearing up thing. I feel like I am performing some sort of sacred ritual every time I get on my bike. Now with the boxes I have even added some steps. After unlocking everything, chains and disc brake locks I have to get helmet, riding jacket, riding pants, gloves, balyclava (mask thing) out of my cases and start the long process of putting everything on. Now you can't just throw it all on there is an order of course with the final steps being Helmet then gloves. Believe it or not it takes some time to get all suited up when it is chilly out. Kinda funny to watch. I think I might just have to take a video of this tomorrow and let everyone get a laugh out of what I have to go through. All in the name of saftey and WARMTH! There are of course modified rituals for short stops and long stops!
So St. Andrews. Wow what an awesome city. The best I have toured yet. I could almost see myself living there. The Universtiy of St. Andrews where I think Prince William went, the ruined Cathedral and Castle are the major attractions....haaaaa...and of course GOLF!
I headed just a little north to check out Dundee before heading back to Edinburgh of the big party and found myself of couse gravitating towards harbors and hills overlooking stuff. I got in some great views of the city and coast and had some nice relaxing time.
The country side and ride up and back were of course the highlights for me. It was nice to get out on the open road again. It is going to be a fun year! I think motorcycling around is the only way to be a tourist! Scott, now I understand!!!
Well time to get ready for a little party and my last night in Edinburgh. I am off to Inverness tomorrow to have my first official couchsurfing experience. For those of you that are not aware check it out,
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