11.02.07 Friday
Leaving Soon!
What a day!I finally got the call that my bike was ready for pick up.Holy cow what a machine!I arrived at the dealership and my bike was sitting out front ready to go.Bruce at the BMW dealership in Dalkeith was awesome.Stephen the technician did a wonderful job mounting the panniers (side boxes) and top box as well as getting everything in order for my big trip.
I have not written much in the past week, but only because not much has been going on.I really have been just sitting tight waiting for my bike to be done.I have been enjoying getting to know my cousins a little more and doing everyday sort of stuff.Wednesday night Jonathan did a great job hosting a little Halloween get together with a few of his friends over.Pumpkins were carved, sparklers handed out and some good old bobbing for apples.I must say I did not partake in the tradition, but I did get some good photos of the old pro in action.It was nice to meet some more of Jonathan's friends.
Today was laundry day and also a visit to the doctor.I have still been having some pain in my stomach that was thought to be ulcer related and I just wanted to make sure before I headed out.The lovely doctor was great and sent me on my way with some different medication so no worries.I think now that the bike search is over, it is serviced and all the other little bits are falling into place there is nothing to get all stressed about, not that I was really stressed about it anyway.
After picking up my bike I got everything loaded in and am ready to set off.Everyone is meeting out for my first dinner out on the town since I have been here.It is amazing how every day breakfast lunch and dinner we have cooked.Eating out is just not as big a thing here.Anyway I am looking forward to that.
So be sure to check out the new pictures posted and thank you again to the gang at Motorrad Central East the BMW dealership for taking such good care of me, the guys at Metal Mule for making some awesome panniers and getting them shipped so quickly and last but certainly not least thank you to my cousins and all their friends for putting me up and making me feel so welcome.Edinburgh has been great, but now it is time to head out and see the rest of the world!
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