10.28.07 Monday
Edinburgh Still!
Be sure to check out the 10/24/07 Edinburgh Blog entry if you have not seen it!
Well I am definitely ready to get a move on.I have had a great time in Edinburgh and my cousins Jonathan and Richard have been great.Jonathan has been especially great, so warmly opening up his home to me.His partner Eaman and his roommate Sarah have been great allowing me to take over their space.I have cooked a couple of meals and done some dishes, but not anywhere near enough to repay them for their graciousness.
Being able to have a place to stay in Edinburgh has not only been great to be able to see the sights, but also to get everything on my motorcycle squared away before setting off on the rest of my journey.I dropped off my bike on Saturday at the dealership to get a full service done.It is not going to be cheap, but it will be worth getting everything done here before I leave so I don't have to worry about anything on the road.It is really funny how things work out though.It just so happens that the 12,000 mile service is a pretty big in depth deal so guess how many miles I have on my baby.Everything always works out just the way it's supposed to.
I spent the entire end of the week looking for panniers and top boxes for the bike.I finally ordered the panniers (hard boxes that mount on either side for storage) and a top box that will fit my helmet and is mounted on the rear luggage rack.They are being shipped directly to the dealership where they will be attached.It is going to be pretty cool showing up to pick up my bike and see a totally different well oiled machine ready for the open road.Don't worry I will be sure to have lots of good pictures.
This past weekend was the first real weekend in Edinburgh and I wanted to get a glimpse into the lives of both of my cousins who are both very different.Jonathan realized in his late teens that he was gay and has been living the lifestyle ever since.So on Friday night I got a glimpse into his life.We headed out with Eaman his partner, his roommate Sarah and her girlfriend to hit the Edinburgh gay bar scene.I was surprised to learn that there were so many gay establishments and some of them all within a block of each other.I must admit it was the first time ever going into a gay bar and as an outsider looking in it was very interesting so see and I was very glad to have had the experience and understand my cousin a little more.Don't worry ladies Gaybank hwy is just a myth I haven't turned gay.Experiences like this are part of my journey; Getting out of my comfort zone and seeing the world for what it is without judgments.
Saturday night was spent with my other cousin Richard and his girlfriend Pam.After a great dinner and perfectly home cooked desert by Pam at their home we headed out to the Edinburgh nightlife, the straight Edinburgh nightlife.I had a great time and found it even more interesting to experience two completely different cultures one after the other.It was "fancy dress night" (costumes) at some of the bars so it was great to see everyone all dressed up.
Sunday I found a great church to go to and later went back for the evening service as well.Most of the day was spent relaxing and then a football game and no not the one with helmets and shoulder pads.It is funny, I have played almost every sport and done a lot of things, but I have never really played a proper game of football.I have kicked a ball around, but never a real game.WOW what fun!I think I have found yet another new passion.My legs today are paying for it though.What an endurance game.I have a new found respect for football players.Our team won thanks to one of the goals being scored by Jonathan with an perfectly executed assist from me.Now that is cool.
So a fun weekend filled with lots of new experiences and perspectives.I am eager to get on with my journey and am just waiting for the phone call from the dealership telling me my bike is ready to go.I am expecting that call on Friday, but certainly hoping that it comes sooner.I have my sights set on heading up to the Scottish Highlands to visit St. Andrews and Loch Ness to see old Nessey before heading to London, then Brighton and Dover.Until that call comes I am just sitting tight enjoying a little relaxing time not worrying about buying, insuring, accessorizing, and servicing my bike which has been the task at hand for the past couple of weeks.I still have to visit the castle and do some more trip planning so that will keep me busy.Jonathan has planned a little Halloween party at his flat on Wednesday so that I am looking forward to.
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