Be sure to click on the blog box on the right side and view the Stranraer, Carlisle, Carnforth, Kendall blog entries....more to come on Edinburgh...Holy cow what an amazing city! Oh yeah and if you click on the full view version of the map and zoom in I have placed the marker on the exact apt building I am in...pretty cool when you put the ariel view on!
10.24.2007 Wednesday
I arrived in Edinburgh on Sunday evening after an amazing motorcycle ride up from the middle of England.My cousin Jonathan has opened his flat and offered his sofa for the next couple of days.
Monday was spent on the whirlwind tour of downtown Edinburgh with Jonathan as tour guide.We hit all the major spots and got some good panoramic city views.Edinburgh Castle of course is the center piece in this amazing city with parks and palaces surrounding it.Princes Street, Georges Street and the Royal Mile are the major city streets that draw the most crowds.We poked about of course stopping for tea in the afternoon.The bus system is incredible in this city.There are double decker buses everywhere. There is virtually never any waiting for a bus and they go everywhere.I of course found myself gravitating towards the top and front of the bus where the view was the best.
Because I am on a budget we headed back to the flat for some lunch and a mid day break and I discovered a true Scottish delight.The bakery down the street makes the best pies with all sorts of things in the middle.Sausage, cheese and onion, etc etc.Very good and very cheap.After we toured around the afternoon we were back at the flat to cook some dinner before heading out to a friend of Jonathans for a hook up hair cut.Michael, Jonathan's friend for several years owned his own studios and has now started to build his own studio in his home.Getting a hair cut from a friend of Jonathans instead of the barber down the street just added to my experience of Edinburgh and its people and it was only 5 pounds!
Tuesday was spent touring the waterfront and taking a peek at the Royal Yacht Britannia which was the queen's yacht for many years before being decommissioned and put on display in Edinburgh harbor.In the afternoon we went to a local bowls club to play bowls a sport that is internationally known and a sport my grandfather excelled at.He achieved many things one of those getting in the Guinness book of world records (Click on the video tab and see the video).
Finally, I made it over to my other cousin Richards flat for dinner.It was great to get together and have a picture taken with the three of us.His girlfriend Pam was there for a short while to join click the photos and join in on the fun.
The British are very consciences about safety.Almost every cyclist and every one riding a motorcycle have bright reflective safety vests and helmets.All the motorcyclist have protective clothing and boots with no exception.This is very different of course from the t-shirt, jeans and no helmet wearing South Carolinians.Most cyclists still don't wear helmets when they are just getting around.It is nice to see and I think we can all learn a lot from their conscious effort to be as safe as possible.I have also noticed that the British are very aware of our depleting resources and make every effort to conserve energy, recycle and use public transportation.Everyone here does not waste electricity drying cloths in a dryer instead they hang them about either outside or on hangers inside.All the electrical outlets have individual breakers on them to switch off the power.I have never seen people more conscious about turning off lights in rooms you are not using, turning down the thermometer, plugging the sink instead of letting the water run when doing the dishes.It is amazing to see and really makes so much sense.There is no waste here.
Anyway so much to see and so much to learn!The next couple of days I am going to head to some of the sights, get my motorcycle serviced, side boxes and top boxes installed for more storage and just get to know my cousins a little better.Tonight I am playing squash a sport that both of my cousins are fanatical about and usually spend 3 to 4 days a week playing.Don't worry I will be sure to get a video!
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