11.07.07 Wednesday 10am
Where to begin…what an amazing couple of days!I have just woken up in a strangers house, but before we get there…So finally I got on the road and headed north to see the Highlands.What an awesome ride up to Inverness.The scenery along the way was gorgeous, but nothing prepared me for the days to come and my great couchsurfing experiences.
Before Inverness though, I ended up staying Saturday night with Jonathan.He was throwing a Halloween party with all his friends coming and he wanted me to see his parties.Well 4am came and I was dead tired.I had left the party at 12am to crash on the floor in the next room, but found it difficult to get some rest.Finally the last person left and I lay down with excitement for the next days adventure brewing.I awoke early in anticipation for a great trip and finally getting on the open road.Jonathan woke up with me and gave me a great send off.We made the video that you all need to check out on YouTube.
Jonathan was a great host.I never would have gotten to this point without his help.I am grateful for family and grateful that he was so welcoming and accommodating.Hopefully on my trip back through I can stop by again and say hello, but we will definitely be keeping in touch.
I arrived in Inverness around 3pm and quickly did my usual ride around the city to get the lay of the land before contacting my first couchsurfing host.Simon Varwell was enjoying his Sunday paper as I phoned.I found my way to his cozy flat and met a new friend.It is really interesting to show up to a complete stranger and just click and everything work out.This of course is nothing new to me (Bo and Meme), but looking from your perspective I can only imagine the thoughts going through your heads.From the instant I arrived tea was offered and a relaxing chat on the sofa that was soon to be my bed.We headed out to the town center to get a little walking tour before hitting the grocery for some dinner provisions.Simon was an extraordinary host.Immediately cluing into the fact that he was a Christian our conversation went in a million different directions.We headed to his church for Sunday evening service and then back to the flat to cook some curry and have 3 of his friends over.Simon's curry was great and his friends were even better.It was like being at home; A little dinner and then just sitting around the table talking about all manner of things.My time with Simon was like a recharge for my spiritual and physical batteries that had been drained.His sofa much to my great surprise pulled out to a queen bed and man did I sleep hard.It was nice to actually fit on a bed for once since Jonathan's sofa was a little short.
I left early in the morning to head to Glasgow on the scenic route by Loch Ness.Sorry folks I did not see old Nessy.Unfortunately my trip down was rather WET!Thankfully I donned my foul weather gear before heading it.It rained off and on all the way to Glasgow.My first day in the rain.Besides needing some RainX badley for my helmet it was fine.I stayed nice and toasty warm and dry.It pays to have invested in the right gear.The rain really kinda added to the whole Scottish experience.It is always raining here and this was my first experience of it.Although, I did not get many pictures of the beautiful Lochs and Loch Ness because of it I am still glad I had a little bit of rain.The drive southwest by far has been the best stretch of highway so far.Amazing mountains, lakes, rivers, streams flowing from the tops of every peak just breathtaking.The roads were winding and a lot of fun on the motorcycle.I can't say I stopped smiling the entire way.
I finally reached Glasgow and funny enough I had not arranged anywhere to stay for the night.Simon was going to be in Glasgow also on a business trip and was staying with another friend that did not have room for me, but I figured hey I will get there and I will figure it out.After touring around Glasgow a little to get a perspective I met up with Simon and 4 friends at a local pub around 8pm.We had a great time chatting and laughing and just as I was ready to get up to go find a hostel or street corner to sleep on, Gill one of Simons friends from his old church in Glasgow offered her floor to me.It is amazing how God always provides.Here I did not have any idea where I was going to be staying or how it was all going to be working out and poof, here was Gill.I followed her home and met her 16 year old daughter Isla and sweet little Cat.Yes it seems that I cannot get away from cats!So my second couchsurfing experience was not arranged and just happened and was equally amazing.Everyone I come in contact with is so warm and welcoming.After tea and some dinner which at 10pm I still had not had I made my bed on the floor for the night.Gill had a great pad that went down that believe it or not felt just as good as most sofas.It is funny what you can give up when you need it.All of us really take for granted our warm bed and covers, but you don't need any of that.Gill was an amazing host and even though it was just for the night I felt touched by God.As I left that next morning Gill asked if she could pray with me.I was almost in tears at the power of that prayer and that she felt so compelled to pray with me.It really is the best way to start a day knowing that someone is thinking about you and praying for a safe journey.Thank you to Gill and Isla for the hospitality and providing such a great place to rest my head.
I left Glasgow and headed straight for Blackburn England.I was anxious to head south and get beyond Lancaster where I had started my English journey.After passing Lancaster I finally felt like I was back on my journey and nothing but unknown territory lay beyond.Before I left Glasgow though I was on a mission to purchase a watch for my handle bars, a compass and a Scottish flag sticker to put on my boxes(I plan on putting one of each country on my bike).You would not believe how difficult it is to find a cheap casio watch in this country.A watch that you could get from any gas station any drug store is no where to be found.Only after traveling to Carlisle did I find one but pure luck.Amazing.I still don't have the sticker flag and did find the compass.I only add this because it was a mission I was on for almost 3 hours before leaving.It is crazy how difficult things can be in a different country.I hope I don't need anything in France.Just add a foreign languge.Yikes.
So after a long run down the motorway I finally arrive in Blackburn to my next couchsurfing experience.Matt and Becky were great.I had arranged only the night before to stay with them and even with such short notice they were happy to accommodate.I arrived in the late afternoon and was immediately met by Matt and his two dalmations Holly and Tessa.It was nice to get out of cat land and see some dogs, but it did make me miss Sparky and Truman.Matt was full of excitement to tell me about places go to and just chatting.I had such a great time.A young guy with a passion for the outdoors.His wife Becky is a nurse and came in later that evening.We chatted and Matt cooked an amazing dinner I think I even have a picture.It is amazing that the couchsurfing hosts are so welcoming and open there home completely to you and do everything to make you feel at home.Always forcing tea and some sort of food down your throat is the usual and gratefully accepted.I was hoping for a more quiet evening to relax a little and that is just what we had.We all sat in the living room with Matt and I cheering on Liverpool who was playing Turkey in the football match on the television.Sitting by the fire and watching a little football my new found passion was just what the doctor ordered. Speaking of doctors, I have come down with a cold now and have an aweful scratchy throat so I hope that goes away soon and no it was not from getting wet on the bike because I was dry as a bone mother!
So here we are today, Wednesday, I am getting ready to head out and go even farther south halfway to London.My Aunt from my fathers side Pam Hunt has welcomed me to her home so I am excited to get farther south and meet another bit of family that until a couple of days ago I had no idea I had.I still have to set up some couchsurfing in London so be sure to log on in your free time and give me some recommendations on who I should stay with in London.I have found that actually being with the hosts is very easy, but finding them and arranging the stay is a different matter.There are so many people offering there couchs it is hard to decide who to stay with and unless I am online for hours it is a daunting task so if anyone wants to help let me know.Of course if anyone has friends in London that might be welcoming I always love to go that route.
Thanks for reading my blogs and there will be lots more to come.Beyond the usual this is what I am doing blog I have some great thoughts that I want to share.Hopefully I will find some time somewhere to share them.
Oh be sure to log on to YouTube and check out my newest video.It was too large to upload to offexploring so sometimes I might have to send them to Youtube.
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