Istanbul, Turkey
Let's hope my other Green Card works!
15,000 miles, nearly 5 months, 13 countries, and several accidents and close calls later here I am in Istanbul, Turkey.I have arrived at a bit of a turning point in my journey. I am now in the Far East, well at least the gate way to the Far East and as far east as my journey will take me. From now on I will no longer follow the compass headings of south and east, but now my magnetic needle will direct me north and west.
Istanbul has always been one of my short term goals.Since leaving the ferry at Calais, I have shown my now worn and torn map book to many people pointing all the way to Turkey.I would always get a big eyed, "wow, Turkey?" response.Trust me when I stepped off the ferry in Calais I really didn't think I would make it.
Actually, when I left Athens I didn't think I would make it for sure.I got rear ended AGAIN!What is the deal with people running into the back of me!So another accident that me and my baby survived! Lets hope I am like a cat with 9 lives! When I left my plush studio apartment in Athens I was warned of the still icy road conditions and that it would not be safe. I was finished being stuck in Athens and was ready to move on and was going to be on main motorways to Thessaloniki so decided to go anyway.I must admit that the snow banks on the side of the motorway were pretty big, but the road was clear.Despite the dirty road mist that clouded my visor constantly the trip to Thessaloniki was pretty smooth even though it got of to a BUMPy start!
My stay in Thessaloniki was the worst yet.I think I would have felt cleaner sleeping on the sidewalk and washing in the river. Even though my accommodations were less than desirable, the city was full of life and pulsating.A university town, Thessaloniki has a vibe that can only be obtained with throngs of young, rebellious students out of the house on their own for the first time roaming the streets.All the cafes were packed and of course the Greeks now how to enjoy some good outdoor seating.After taking in the street scene I settled in to an early night with high hopes and great expectations of my arrival in Istanbul.
As I neared the Turkish boarder I started to pass more and more military conveys going to and from.This in itself is a little unnerving, but then after clearing out of the Greek border side I cross over a bridge with armed guards and a large line painted in the middle.This was the boarder crossing that you see in the movies.For a brief moment I envisioned the embattled refugee running across the bridge trying to make it to the other side before being gunned down.Luckily in my case no one got gunned down.The only thing the guards raised was their arms with a welcome salute and the creases in their face as my eyes were met with a big smile. The Turkish border controls are the strictest yet.I had to pass through several booths and be checked in by several different guards.It was the last booth that got me though!
I have no idea how I have been able to come so far and not get caught, but finally I was caught!My green card had expired and I was not going to be allowed into Turkey and now I might not even be able to get back to Greece.My green card is a basically my insurance card for my bike and every country requires coverage just incase you hit one of their valued citizens. If you recall my time in the south of England and even starting my purchase obtaining insurance was a little bit of a hassle and it was not until the day before I was leaving England did the documents arrive at the post office where I had to find the back door and convince an employee to give me the documents so I could get on with my journey.The insurance I purchased was for 6 months commencing on 10/30/07.Well, the brainiacs who issued my green card misprinted the expiration date and instead of expiring on 4/30/2008 they wrote that it expires on 4/30/2007.Interesting how my insurance can expire before it has even started.Now try explaining that to a non English speaking, minimum wage earning, border security guard!Needless to say I got no where, but in usual fashion the good Lord had his plan.
I was directed to a building where I could purchase insurance for just Turkey.10 euros later, I had a new green card valid only for Turkey and I was allowed to cross the border. I wish insurance in the states was like Turkey.10 dollars for 6 months of coverage, Amazing! Thankfully my fear of it being a huge hassle and headache were quickly dashed.I was in and out and on my way in 20 minutes.
Once I crossed the boarder I felt like I was back in Albania, with out the nice Mercedes.I passed several horse drawn carts and the petrol stations were all beautifully taken care of and ever other mile.I can always rest assured that even though I might be in a poor country, I will never run out of fuel!I was surprised at the road conditions, not quite as bad as Albania, but not the autobahn either.
Istanbul is enormous and the traffic crazy!I had no idea what to expect when I arrived and I definitely felt like I was in a different world.The most notable landscape characteristics were the mosques with their tall spires every couple of miles.Downtown Istanbul was full of life and a little snow and ice still left over from the storm that passed me in Athens.I found my hostel and immediately got on the phone to have a new correctly printed insurance green card sent out.So it looks like I am going to be in Istanbul till Monday now.
Stay tuned for more on Istanbul!
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