Another busy day!So yesterday was the southeast of N. Ireland and today Hilda, John and I headed to the north coast and retraced familiar steps for them and my grandfather.It was nice to see the spots that my grandfather who I only met twice once took my mom and her sister to.The north coast was by far my favorite.Big cliffs and breath taking views!Lots of small harbors and when I mean small I mean small.The giants causeway touted to be the eight natural wonder of the world was incredible.Of course the ocean is always calling to me so it was amazing to see the beaches and rocky coast line.Everything everywhere is so green but funny there is always a dreary sort of air about not like the Charleston sunshine.It is nice to look out over the ocean and see Scotland on the other side towering up with big high cliffs.
I saw a lot of things today and did a lot of walking.I think I climbed over 300 stairs today alone!The walks were fun and of course Hilda and John are incredible tour guides.I almost want to take them with me on the rest of my journey.They have traveled a lot and are part of a caravan club which is very popular here in Europe.As we drive along Hilda reads the tour book explaining all the different castles and monuments as we pass.Truly amazing traveling around with them!And even though they are just at about retirement age I have never seen a couple more fit and interested in all the different places…there were times when Hilda was RUNNING in front of me to beat me to the next view!What a fun pair.Anyone watching would think they were 25!
So needless to say I am very much being spoiled with sit down breakfasts and dinners each night complete with bread and tea.Guess I better get it while the going is good because when I hit the road it will be bread and peanut butter sitting on the curb somewhere.Anyway, enjoy the pictures and captions!
I have had some great conversations about who and where my family has come from and enjoyed it thoroughly.What a great place to start a journey and learn where you came from and give you a bit of insight into who you are.It is funny to hear Hilda talk about my grandfather and his characteristics…now I know where I get some of mine.After all I am named after him.
Anyway, enjoy the pictures and captions!
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