It's day number 8 and my head is spinning…
Picture this:
Me sitting at a table with 6 Germans (Tonight Janina and Angelika's mother came over for dinner). Each of them speaking very quickly in deep conversation for a good ½ hour, with me sitting there… silent. Except for when they'd allstart laughing I would join in and act like I knew what they were talking about, in which I had no idea. The only time I actually did was when someone would look directly at me and actually enunciate their words. I feel like one of those people who laugh at all jokes even when they don't get them.
I think I'm going to just start on page one of my dictionary and start learning every word I don't know, I mean I do have the time…
We met our other teacher today that we will be having once a week. He's really nice and fascinated with American culture so he keeps us thinking the entire time. Especially when he asks us about something American and we all have to scramble for our dictionary to figure out how to answer him in German.
Found out today that there's a new bar opening up in Horb Friday night! This is a pretty big deal here, so we've postponed our plans for Strasbourg until another weekend. I don't mind though since the poster about the bar says that's Friday is ladies night at the new bar. All ladies get a "special surprise." You should hear some of the things we've thought the surprise can be…
So remember that ridiculous Saturday night I told you all about? Well my friend Kelsey here did what I thought was a very nice job of explaining why they have these ridiculous parties so I thought I would share it all with you:
"So, as most of southern Germany, and really the greater part of Europe, is Catholic, there is a lot of emphasis put on the holidays pertaining to the Catholic religion. Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter, and so on are all very important times for the Europeans. So, naturally, the Germans pay reverence to the sacrifice of Jesus by getting their party on—really hard—for weeks and weeks on end. Every weekend until Karneval (which is the German/European equivalent to Mardi Gras) people dress up in ridiculous costumes (usually with terrifying masks and big furry suits… no joke), dance all night long, and drink until they pass out. Did I mention that this happens EVERY WEEKEND? Literally for months."
Saturday night there's supposed to be another one too :)
Anyways, I need some time hearing English so I think I'm going to watch a movie before bed.
Fun Fact: To walk from Horb to Ahldorf (where I live), it takes 45 minutes. I may make the journey tomorrow since I need something to burn time here. Yesterday I was desperate for something to do I bedazzled my phone since everyone has the same one in our group…
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