Once again I had another amazing weekend here in Germany. The longer I'm here, the more I consider living here. I'm proud to be an American and what not, but seriously these people don't realize what they have!
Friday night I headed down to one of the bars in Horb. Had a couple beers and spoke lots of German with the Brazilians. We kept it a short night though since we had to wake up early yet again on Saturday.
Saturday morning we made it to the train station around 9am. We then got to experience yet another 3 hour train ride to Freiburg. Once we got there our guide/high school student gave us a short tour of the city. One of the coolest things about Freiburg is that they have these small water ducts running all throughout the city. They were built for "watering" your animals back in the day. Now, they're pretty much just a safety hazard. In some walkways they line the sides, while others are placed directly in the middle and you have to make sure not to step in one and break your ankle. However, the people that live in Freiburg have a myth that if you step in one by accident then you're destined to marry a Freiburger/Freiburgerin (Freiburg citizen). Which I actually wouldn't mind, because the city is absolutely gorgeous and the people are extremely friendly.
After seeing the Münster church we got some free time to roam around the market that surrounded the church. Never in my life have I seen so many bratwurst stands! After our wandering we met back up with the group to take a guided tour of the University of Freiburg museum. Yes, I said guided… in German. Which means it was a pretty painful hour, especially with the sunny city calling my name outside the door.
Once we were set free from the extremely boring museum, me Annie and Cassie went walking throughout the city. Luckily the weather was really nice and sunny. (Who knew that Freiburg is the sunniest city in Germany?) We found some ice cream and a river to walk along with people sitting and riding their bikes all along it. I actually wish I was studying there now, because I'd be sitting on the river reading every day.
While waiting for a train back to Horb from Freiburg we had quite the entertainment! On our train platform was a good 20 Manheim soccer fans going wild, dancing and chanting songs to the marching band that was playing on the opposite platform. I think they were pregaming…. But only in Germany would it be totally legal to drink on train platforms and trains…
Because of course when we go to get on our train all the soccer fans follow us on! So the first hour home consisted of us listening to these guys chant and drink beer after beer, while cops in riot gear were standing all over the train. I want a soccer team to cheer for…
Pretty much leaving Freiburg was really hard. If I had to choose a place to live forever right now that would be the city I chose. It's everything I want wrapped into one amazing place and I didn't even get to see it all!
Saturday night we arrived in the train station after another 3 hour train ride back, and jumped on the next train headed toward Tübingen. Here is when Adam gets a phone call from Michael in the bathroom.
Adam: "What's up man?"
Michael: "I can't get out of the bathroom!"
Poor Michael got locked in the bathroom, so the boys went to his rescue. But even Adams sweet swiss army knife couldn't get him out. So, Michael had to press the bathroom call button and eventually a worker came with some weird key that magically let him out.
Finally with Michael free we arrived in Tübingen. We walked to our hostel for the night, which ended up being really nice. We ended up with our own room with our own bathroom. How much nicer could a hostel get? I've realized in my month and a half in Germany I've stayed in the worst and best hostel possible. Guess its all intermediate from here.
Anyways, we literally went to bed at 10pm. Only because we had to wake up at 4:30am…. Then speed walk to the place where the buses were picking us up to go skiing in Austria! After a four hour bus ride, and the guy across from me talking the entire time while I was trying to sleep we finally arrived at Hoch Joch Montafon, and I literally felt like I was in a dream. Or maybe the Sound of Music… The scenery was completely unbelievable, until now I thought they made this stuff up for movies. Except it's really because I've seen it with my own eyes!
After taking an hour and a half to rent our stuff we finally hit the slopes. Let me tell you… I wasn't in Michigan anymore.The first run we went down took us 15 minutes, and ranged from being blue to black level at home… which was considered easy here. Although it was harder than I'm used to, it was amazing. The chair lifts ended up being so long to that me and Cassie devoured an entire bag of Leibniz on the way up one of them.
At one point, we rode three chair lifts to get all the way to the top of the mountain. It took us literally 25 minutes, and skiing through the world's longest ski tunnel to not even get all the way back to the bottom.
At this point though, we ended up finding the rest of the group which consisted of Adam, Elisabeth, and Annie. Which I felt really bad for Annie because it was her first time EVER skiing, but she was doing pretty well by the time we found her. So, we all decided to go back up to the top again and do the ski tunnel again. Well on our third lift up we got stopped for a good 15 minutes. The cause: a helicopter landing right next to the exit of the lift to pick up an injured person. How crazy is that?
Anyways, somehow I made it all day without falling once (besides off the chairlift with Annie once because my backpack strap got hooked), so I'm really proud of myself!
After we returned all of our stuff we relaxed and had a few drinks before we headed back down to the buses. I tried Gluhwein for the first time… soooo good!
All in all, I still can't believe that my weekend really happened. I can say right now that just yesterday I was skiing in the Alps… weird! I took a ton of pictures so make sure to check out my pictures and videos!
In a couple of weekends we're thinking about doing another day trip with the same place, or planning an entire weekend with a couple of people from our group. I can't wait to go back again!!
This week I'm sort of just recovering from my skiing soreness and worrying about the dinner I'm cooking for my family on Wednesday. I've never made it, or ate it before so I'm really nervous about it. However, Al insists that it's really good and easy to make. Hope it turns out!
So far I think the plans for this weekend are a bit hazy. I guess I'll go wherever time takes me…. :)
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