Ugh, I'm so exhausted from thinking so hard today. It's extremely tiring having to concentrate on every single word that someone is saying to you. It's such a relief after class to walk up to someone and speak English. I learned quite a bit today in my new class. They seperated us into different levels and I'm in the intermediate level which is fine by me. There are only 8 students in the class. Four from Michigan, one from Italian Switzerland, and three from Brazil. It's odd because I'm used to girls dominating classes, however in this case there are six guys and two girls. It's pretty straight foward. We have class from 9-10:30, 11-12:30, then 1:30-3:00 everyday except for Wednesdays and Fridays when we get done at 12:30.
Today we found out there will be a Saturday excursion (yeah, excursion) to Baden-Baden. I've heard the only thing really good about the place is they have a casino. But, I guess I should go since we're all still getting settled in and no one feels like planning any weekend trips quite yet. So I'd much rather go somewhere than sit around here all day.
On our lunch break we took over King Kebap and I ate my first Kebap and drank my first German beer. Both were extremely delicious and lunch may become my staple meal here. Considering dinner today consisted of potato soup and a casserole pie dish that made my stomach hurt. The food isn't bad, it's just different and I don't eat to much because I don't want to look like a heffer.
After lunch we went back and finished class, which would be extremely boring if I didn't have my English speaking friends. Funny story: My teacher is not the brightest and goes to erase her name from the dry erase board. Except she wrote in permanet marker on it! Guess I'll never forget her name...
After class I put some money on my phone, then we headed to a small bar/cafe and drank another beer while we waited for the bus. I think I can get used to this. My beer was only 2.50 Euro. Amazing. However I am very happy that I don't drive here. Gas is 1.15 Euro a liter. That's about $5.50 a gallon!
Anyways, came home and took a nap because I feel like crap. (Thanks for the cold Keri) Plus my knee was throbbing. I'm not in flat Michigan anymore, and to get to my school room I have to climb a good 7 flight's of stairs. Which by the way my room is quite small here, however it is cozy. I don't really need much, but I do have my own bathroom and shower room (Yeah they're separate!). Not here, but at my school we have this most interesting toliet. Check out this website:
But, after I woke up we ate dinner then Angelika and Samuel tried to teach me a German card game. The rules and points were really confusing so I think I'll have to look it up online to better understand so I can actually play without them looking at my cards.
However today was good. Still wishing my German was amazing though so I could actually feel like a part of this family. I don't think the little kid David is very fond of me. He's young though so hopefully he comes around.
But thanks to everyone who's left me messages. Makes me happy :) Keep on posting about things you'd like to hear about and I'll make sure to write about it! If you asked me some specific things I'll be sure to e-mail you soon. <3
Fun Fact: Spongebob's voice is NOT the same in German...
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