Happiness Is The Road
The day got off to a rather terrifying start. I woke to find myself weirdly in a field full of the strangest looking horses I've ever seen. The camper van and Jay had gone! I had an uneasy feeling about this place and the air around me gave off a menacing atmosphere. Just as I was beginning to properly take in my new surroundings I heard the sound of hooves clopping behind me and getting closer. I turned around and saw this horse charging towards me. It was an odd looking horse as it had a duck like beak for a mouth. It was a huge beak similar to that of a duck billed platypus and it was chomping it up and down. I could see an evil glint in it's eyes and it was quite clear that it didn't like me being here. I ran and ran and ran as fast as I could but it's large beak was closing in on me. I kicked out and let out a scream. I felt arms around me dragging me away from this crazy duck horse. I awoke with a thud. It had all been a mad dream! Jay had heard me screamingand had launched herself on top of me thus saving me from this vile equestrian creature. Pheeeeew!!!! After brekky and without any horses in sight we set off for a walk. The showers were easing and it looked like it might be a nice day. There was a walking trail from the caravan park that we followed through the Waychinicup National Park. The trail took us through the bush and around the coastal headland. We went past a couple of gorgeous and quiet little bays and took in the beauty of the place. The cloud was now clearing and blue sky could now be seen. The trail wound it's way in a circle back to Cheynes Beach where the sand curled it's way round the bay. The sea was a gorgeous turquoise. We could see something moving in the water close to the shore at the far end of the bay. It had to be a whale as we could make out air being expelled through it's blowhole. We were excited to get a better look so we made our way down onto the beach and walked around the curling sands. We could now clearly make out at least two whales in the shallow waters. We could see their tails and fins moving in and out of the water and we zoomed our camera in to get some photos. We even heard one of the whales make a loud noise like a fog horn. It was absolutely wonderful to see these incredible and beautiful creatures frolicking in the water so close to us. It was a magical experience and we had a whale of a time! We spent ages here before we walked back up to the caravan park which was still really quiet. We had the whole place virtually to ourselves with no one else rocking up and ruining our bliss. The kangaroos were out before tea time grazing on the grass just near to us and we just chilled out for the rest of the day.
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