Sorry, getting a little too into the sprit!
Its the last day of Colourwar for 2011 and I am sad but also VERY relieved!
THis weeks has been so insane for me! No off periods, late nights and constantly running around with a video camera for 5 days is a little overwhelming!
I have had to do this because I have to of made a film by the last day of camp - and thank goodness I have done it! - Well at the moment I am siting on the office floor waiting for it to render - not much has gone wrong yet - touch wood!
This morning we had the Apache Relay, basically a HUGE relay around the whole camp, including every single child - some activities included chewing frozen bubblegum - drink juice from a babies bottle, making a bed with hospital corners, swimming, kayaking, dressing a person and my fave - A PIE EATING CONTEST!
One on the up sides to my job is being able to be in the front row all the time - I get to really see the action! But in the case of the pie eating contest, it wasn't that good. One of the guys actually threw up on the cake andhad to keep eating it! IT WAS SO GROSS!
so last night was the Grand Sing , basically the big end to Colourwar and wow was it huge! we all lined up in the field house and the two teams came in one by one. Each team had ahuge decoreated area for there team based on their theme ( city vs Country) The Blue city team managed to create a yellow taxi from one of the golf carts we have, and a subway - ( which they all arrived from) their background was covered with food stalls, huge skyscrapers etc.
The White country team somehow managed to find not only a real tractor as part of their set, but the captian came in on a horse! they had a life sized version of Woody, a HUGE fake red barn and the like. Both sets were very impressive.
The two teams then contiued with a whole lot of songs which the judges wrote stuff about between each. After all of this it was time to tally up all the scores - and while this happened my movie was shown. Luckerly everyone seemed to like it and the boss said it was the best one he ahs seen and if I would like to come back next year im more than able too!
anyway - I am totally glad its over - NO MORE OF THAT MAC! and after the party for the staff last night i was ready to drop dead!
Last week witht he kids now! I'm a bit upset!
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