So we got the train to Mangalore from Canacona station in Goa which was tiny, the train tickets were only 50RS each and you could sit where you wanted. All this sounded good until the train pulled up. It was absolutely packed and we only just managed to wedge ourselves in the door when the train started to move! The first few hours of the journey were very uncomfortable, we had our rucksacks wedged between our feet and couldn't move, Kam was virtually hanging out of the open door and I was preparing myself to grab hold of him if he flew out!!! More and more people got on at each station and it was a huge operation to get people past us and our bags. Some annoying students got on and started having a sing a long and wanted us to join in- we declined. We were beginning to get really uncomfortable when a girl just appeared out of nowhere and said to me that her and her mum were going to get off at the next stop and they wanted us to have their seats! We were so thankful, but it was a bit of an operation to get us and our bags down the packed aisle of the train there. I decided to push my bag along the floor and managed to annoy virtually everyone and I knocked an old mans turban which I felt really bad about and Kam decided to put his bag? on his head to get to the seats, the lady who gave us the seats said 'you are guests in our country, you have these seats!' We think that the nicest anyones been to us so far!!! Anyway the rest of the journey was fine, we passed some more lush scenery and the sun began to set. A man sitting opposite asked us if he could read our Lonely planet book so we gave it to him, halfway through him reading he picked up the book and started sniffing it, quite intensly!!!? We also passed through a swarm of bug things that flew in the window, Kam ended up throwing bugs back out of the window for the rest of the journey!!
We arrived at Mangalore quite late at night and started to look for a room, we went to one place and Kam went to check the room out, he came back looking very scared and said there was a huge rat that had scurried over the bed, despite this we went for a different room in the same place but with a thorough rat check first. We think the management felt bad about the rat and let us have an AC room for alot cheaper. We didn't really do alot in Mangalore as there wasn't much to see, we booked our bus tickets to Mysore, ate alot including a veg thali that tasted like it had been scraped out of the bin, and went on the internet. From what we could tell though Mangalore seemed very clean and quiet!!
We had an overnight bus journey to Mysore which was pretty bad, we couldnt sleep at all. The roads were terrible and we were going up really windy roads which just didnt feel safe at all! We stopped half way through at this awful place for a toilet break, there were toilets in this building but they were covered in everything you can imagine, so most people opted to go out side- because of this it was just a big wet stinking field covered in flies - nice!!!
We got to Mysore about 6 in the morning feeling pretty crap, and were immediately pounced on by rickshaw drivers. We?began the task of searching for a room. Our driver bought along a companion with him, always a bad sign because you know that the extra person is going to try and get you to go to a hotel where he gets commision for taking you.?Anyway everywhere we seemed to?go was fully booked or?horrible and we?ended up going to one of their places, which was actually ok. I decided to sign ourselves in to the hotel?while Kam paid the rickshaw drivers?outside. Halfway through signing in?I?could hear Kam shouting and looked out the window and saw him having a right?go at them!!!?Apparantly?they were trying to charge loads?more?than they originally said, Kam threatened to report them to the police and they suddenly decided to charge him a fair?price! Pigs!!!
We got a quick nap and?then ventured out to the bus stand to find out about?getting?to Ooty. While we were there a little?beggar boy who must have only been about?7, came up to me and asked me for money -when?I?said no he full on grabbed my boobs!! I gave him a whack, then he asked Kam for money and Kam said no he grabbed Kams balls!!! We were completely shocked by?this, and after we felt?quite upset because this little boy?could be getting?abused?like this too.
We spent a day sightseeing in Mysore, we went and looked around the big palace which was nice and we went up Chaminder hill which?has a very important temple at the top of it. Also up this hill is a disturbing museum we went in. It was full of puppets and models killing each other, Demon god things eating people, and people dying under cars or in tidal waves!? It was to show how bad the world was and how religion can change everything. We left Chaminder hill and halfway down?there was?a bull temple aswell. After this we ventured into town to search for the market, we eventually found it after wading down a street with lots of brown water flowing through it - mmmmm. The market was packed and there were lots of fruit and veg stalls and lots of stalls selling bright coloured tikka powder (we wanted to stick our hands in it!!) We came across a stall selling perfume oils, and the man let us smell loads of different fragrances, he also dabbed them all over our arms so we started to smell nice (for the first time in ages!) We ended up buying a little bottle of lotus oil and one of something I cant spell for about a pound each. The man on the stall was really nice and didnt force us to buy anything-a nice change!!!
Next stop Ooty!!!!!
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