Party hard, say hi to the lizards
Hey, here's a brief update for you guys. I knew I'd make it before Easter break and here we are again. It has been great to see that my blog has gained some international interest and even a famous Norwegian (former) alpine skier has become a fan!
Our Easter plans with Andrew have changed a bit and now we're merely contemplating on whether to go to his ranch on Friday the 2nd and when to come back from there. I suppose we need to invite some people as well? No fancy travels…I need to save some of my bucks for May as I have a week in Fiji ahead of me and for sure there's a demand for a small buffer once I get back to the old continent and start looking for jobs. However, I might still check out the vineyards in Hunter Valley before May…that should be very doable.
Beach and party, party, party, as one of our cheerful lecturers at EVTEK once said. This certainly applies to my situation today. Weeks go past just like that even if there's not that much to do at work at the minute. Weekends are dedicated to floorball and drinking. The gorgeous Opera Bar, Rose Hotel, farewell parties, The Veranda Bar…you name it, we've been there. I also provided some cheap booze for our party last weekend as requested by our volunteer bartender from Russia and the hostess. Tequila liqueur, Stolichnaya Vodka and Matusalem Platino White Rum…that was just a fraction of our selection. I still felt the hangover last night (Tuesday) but hey, that's how you know the party was good! I also chose the entry picture from that party.
Floorball-wise it is going quite well. Our team, Glebe, made it to the semifinals, which consist of two matches with the aggregate result determining the team to advance; just like in the football Champions League. The first match will take place this upcoming Saturday morning in Hurstville against Newcastle. The second one is played one week after Easter. Looking forward.
Right now it also looks like there might be an interesting opening at work. We may have a deal with Campari to distribute and store their brands in Australia for a couple of months and I might get the project manager role here, which would be a great change to the current situation at the office. This matter will most probably be determined by the end of next week.
Ahh, almost Easter. It will be great to have a four-day weekend. On top of this, there is the Anzac-day here in Australia (war veterans' memorial day), which also means a longer weekend at the end of April. Therefore I expect April to fly by with some interesting challenges ahead and of course lots of fun events in the meantime. Can't be too negative about that.
Stay tuned and take care buddies!
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