Mardi Gras!
Okay here I am again. Typing in agony but I'll live through this horrible back pain I got from doing too many deadlifts at the local gym. Bad technique I guess and some people would comment on this by saying: AMATEUR.
Another week in this paradise? I guess you could call it that. The weather's been real nice sunday excluded. Classes started full throttle and they seem to be quite demanding and require surely a lot of effort on my part if I want to pass everything and/or better yet, get a distinction. We'll see about that. Just as I assumed, there are quite a few Chinese people in our ILTS branch as well (ILTS=Institute of Logistics and Transport Studies). The whole concept of studying with Asians reached its pinnacle last monday when we were having our ILTS orientation. I was sitting in class comfortably when an Asian-looking lecturer comes in. She quickly asks if there's any NON-Chinese people in the class not even expecting an answer to this. Then she went on lecturing in CHINESE. On top of that, even the powerpoint slides were in Chinese. I really needed to pinch myself to believe that was actually happening. It was a very informative 30 minutes. They could have been talking about cooking cats and dogs in curry sauce for all I know.
SO! How about those queers! The legendary Mardi Gras is officially ON. The main day was on saturday (7th) when
there was a huge (gay)parade along the Oxford Street which happens to be right next to our apartment building. There was a s***load of people in the streets. In fact, it was so jammed that you could hardly walk. For that reason we pretty much decided to party on the rooftop. You could actually see parts of the parade from up there, so that worked out nicely. We did try to go out and enter a bar at around 2 am but at that time everything was already packed and impossible to get in. Nonetheless, this event was quite special...I had never seen anything like this as the whole city went nuts. Yesterday, in the afternoon, as I was walking along the Oxford Street to catch a bus to Bondi Beach these people were still in the bars partying like crazy. Ecstasy? No doubt. You guys have no idea what kind of people you see around here and especially now that this party is on. No place for narrow-minded folks, that's for sure. Luckily I am extremely liberal as you know...
For the upcoming week...I need to get started with some readings and actually work. I also bought a basketball
so now I can work on my dangerous jump shot more frequently. There's gonna be a tryout session for the University's basketball team and I will participate. If I hustle enough, there may be an opening for a bench warmer spot. Also, if anybody knows a good way to get rid of bedbugs, please let me know. They're a pain in the ass. Almost literally. Anyways, I'll close for now but stay tuned as usual and check out the new pics!
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