Here comes the weekly report from down under. What could be a better way to get started than by telling about the delicious and very inexpensive double cheeseburger meal (supersized of course) I just had downtown while admiring the futuristic urban landscape. The golden arches never let you down.
Yet another week has passed in my corner of Southeast Asia. Now we've reached the point where all assigments due
this semester have been given and the schedule has become clear. Seems like I won't have anything at all during the first eleven days of May and this would be a good opportunity to explore this part of the world. Come on over if you wanna join the expedition! Possible destinations: Fiji, Samoa and Papua New Guinea.
I suppose I need to mention the basketball tryout session in this context as well. However, there's not a whole lot to tell. Imagine a streetballer who has had his basketball experiences in the blue court stepping into a gym and seeing a black guy slamming the ball down while doing 360. Yep, trying to make the team as well. But hey, you know what they say, "impossible is nothing". Right? Turned out that it was still something. There were around 30 guys from all over the world in this session and the first drill I basically watched from the sideline as I had no freaking clue about what they were doing. I wasn't the only one though. The following one was basically 3 on 2 breaks from one end to another and vice versa. This was already more meaningful in my mind but was sort of hard to defend guys who are between 195-200 cm and a lot more skilled too. At the end, 10 players were picked to go on and the rest could pack their bags and try again next week if they wanted to. I may take a pass on that...
For more positive things, I actually got some stuff sorted out. Bought a well needed drawer from Ikea (tasty meatballs I must say) and worked my ass off to get it assembled. It also serves as an additional level for my "kitchen" utilities...then I also bought a printer/scanner as we need to print out a lot of stuff for the classes and my 15 000 € tuition fee is clearly not enough to cover the costs of printing paper for the Uni. I can hopefully sell all this stuff when I leave. During the week I also booked flights to Melbourne again. This time I'm going to go see one drunken Finn win the Australian F1 Grand Prix. "The Who" is also playing there so I guess this brings double-value into the event. I also booked flights to Helsinki for 2 weeks in July as they turned out to be fairly cheap and an Aussie guy told me it was going to get as cold as 5 degrees here at that time of year. Also, I get a chance to see the real ant hill - Shanghai, that is. I have a 12-hour layover there on my way back to Sydney.
What's up next? St. Paddy's day of course! That will be on tuesday. Another pointless reason to drink. On top of that, I only have school on tuesday and thursday. I should finally get my broadband internet working within a week
or so and after that I can hopefully watch the SM-liiga playoffs and practise illegal activities. I guess that's it for now. Stay tuned as usual, don't forget to check out some new pics from Hyde Park and its surroundings and of course keep up the good work with those classy comments on my message board! I appreciate it guys!
Cheers mates.
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