OK. Back again and with quite a week behind me! Let me think…Wednesday out drinking, Thursday out drinking, Friday out drinking and Saturday at home drinking. Well, that's obviously not the whole truth but a brief synopsis if anything.
The week started with a lot of classes - mostly very boring ones. Prof. David Walters gets ten points from me for being the most monotonous lecturer ever. Even the most insomniac person would fall asleep there. Needless to say, I sure did. Anyways, on Wednesday my boss came back to Sydney from NZ and as usual, we went out to eat to an Italian restaurant on Coogee Bay Road and had some nice wine there too. Thursday was the first day of Suntory Roadshow meaning that we all went to the office in the morning and there was a bus to take us on to the main spot - Sydney Intercontinental at Circular Quay. After a tiring day of company presentations from every different manager possible, it was time for the evening festivities. These were held at the Sebel Hotel on Pier one - right under the harbor bridge. A beautiful, prestigious spot. We had sort of an award ceremony where the CEO was handing out nominations for employees that have performed particularly well in the organization. A jazz band was playing in the background and we had a nice dinner there too. The dress code being black tie, I needed to borrow a bowtie from my boss. After a "few" cognacs, it was time to hop on to a boat that took us back across the bay to Sydney Intercontinental. My room was on the 13th floor ;)
The following day at the office was…quite slow for everyone. Luckily the party wasn't over as on Friday there was a Jägermeister Costume Party at the same place. The theme was Rock/Snow and so I had to hire some Elvis-style gear. Pictures will ensue in the near future - rest assured. That party was not quite as formal as on Thursday! Jägermeister shots from ice sculptures, rock trivias, gorgeous Jägermeister-girls, the Rock band (Xbox) and much more. Booze for free - never lets you down. I actually destroyed our CEO in a dual match in rock band. Thankfully I've had a lot of practice at Karzi. The evening ended in an unfortunate way as Andrew persuaded one of our Maori warehouse workers to smash the ice sculpture to get the frozen Jägermeister bottle out of it. It worked - but also pissed off the hotel staff and at that point it was time to call it quits.
But hey, the highlight of the week was yet to come! Our housewarming party. Wow, what a PARTY! We did have a lot of booze here (taken from our warehouse) but it pretty much all went. The first guy came in around 7.30pm and at that point we were still quietly drinking beer. However, it got completely out of hand towards midnight. There must have been at least 40 people at our small apartment and the noise must have been crazy loud. We had music going all night long and people were singing, yelling…you name it. The best part about having your own party is that you get to invite the people you want! That was one of the main reasons why it was such an awesome night. All the right people were there plus the party crashers, which were mostly ok as well! Some parts of the night are censored in this entry…who knows who's reading these. Anyways, I suppose we can continue on to the negative parts too. At 3.30am, when the party was still almost at its peak, two cops came in and basically pulled the plug. Apparently they had received five phone calls from our neighbors. Cockblock of the year - btw. When everyone was gone, I noticed the horrible mess people had made. But well, that's part of the game. I can't describe it properly - you would have needed to see it for yourself. Let's just say that we spent the next day mopping floors, walls and washing random stuff - including my sheets (!) Also, in the morning, our beloved British neighbor from downstairs knocked on the door and threatened to "come upstairs next time and drop us". Hmmm, good luck with that. I suppose he was pissed off as there were dozens of empty bottles and cigarette butts on his yard and also because of the (probable) lack of sleep.
So, I think we need to lay low for a while and stick to crashing other people's parties. We certainly didn't make any friends from this apartment complex. But, who needs neighbors anyway. Especially if they're from the UK. I added some pics to the existing Coogee-album and will get back to this when I get pictures from the Suntory Roadshow! This week I will try and focus on studying…
PS. How about that Bolt…
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