Duststorm Paints Sydney Red
Sounds like a science fiction flick or an imaginery news headline. Waking up today was certainly an experience I won't forget anytime soon. The whole city of Sydney was literally covered in thick, red dust. When walking outside, the visibility was extremely limited and even breathing normally was challenging due to the dust and the strong winds. Most people had masks on. Flights were cancelled and redirected to Melbourne and Brisbane, people jammed the emergency centers as the dust particles triggered their smoke chaos.
Walking back from work just a few minutes ago, you can still feel the dust in the back of your throat when you breathe. It sticks. Apparently the cloud of dust came from the deserts and it occasionally happens, but to experience it to this magnitude, I heard, is extremely rare. It is not recommended to work or stay long periods outside at the moment, but this should ease for tomorrow...
If I hadn't read Dawkins a lot lately, I might have thought an apocalypse had fallen. Anyways, back to work and back to the Uni...I will continue later. Check out the pics I added! They are worthwhile looking at. This was really remarkable.
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