Soongies' Great Adventure
We still felt pretty exhausted after yesterday so we had a bit of a sleep in and a slow morning. In fact, after a bit of face timing, we actually didn't get out of bed until about 10am! Just what we needed! Kate reckons we need a weekend to have a break from travelling! Eventually we left the house and drove 1 hour to Paklenica National Park. The forecast for today was heavy wind and then later on some rain so weren’t quite sure how the day was going to pan out. Well we ended up with great walking weather. It was a beautiful walk in the Paklenica karst canyon along the river with lots of little waterfalls, with massive rocks and beautiful trees everywhere. After a couple of hours we reached the Forester’s Hut where we had our salad for lunch. We did forget to bring cutlery though so we ate it with our hands! Once we reached the hut we walked back down again taking in all the beauty of the area. Calvin really wanted to climb up one of the big rocks but there was this annoying couple being all romantic on top of the rock and Kate said he couldn’t go up there in case he was about to propose to her! Later on we saw them and she didn’t have a ring on! She must have said 'no’! Once we reached the car we needed to get some money out to pay for our accommodation and there was a supermarket nearby so we bought some more bureks to tie us over before dinner. It started spitting with rain on the drive back to our accommodation and then, when we got back, the wind started to howl! Such good timing! Calvin cooked red curry tofu with our delicious veggies for dinner and we ate that tucked up in bed whilst listening to the crazy wind outside – so much more romantic than chilling at the top of that rock!
- comments
kentishclan Were you lying down on a pile of rocks to get this. I have a mental picture of you getting down on a low angle for your Phot-artary